Who is Allah? - Islam 101 series - Conscious Reminders

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Who is Allah? - Islam 101 series - Conscious Reminders

Allah is the mighty name of the Self-Existing and Self-Sufficient Being Who comprises all perfect attributes, who is free from every weakness and defect, is alone worthy of worship, is without partner or peer and is the source of all Love and Grace.
Allah is the name spoken and read by billions of Muslims every day.
He is the only God, the Alpha the Omega and has no Equal.
He is the God of the Jews, Christians and Muslims and all the prophets that were sent to them from Adam all the way through to Muhammed (peace be upon them both).
He is the creator of the heavens and the earth and everything between it. The architect of time and space, night and day, light and dark and every atom in this universe.
Allah is the King and Majesty of all things, from Him we came and to Him we will return.
My Vlog Series
Deadbeat dads, fathers and parents!
Muslim and Depressed! How depression is testing my faith.
What is a TERRORIST?
Why am I a Muslim? - Whats the point of this life?
Real friends vs Fake friends! - How to spot a 2 face?
Who am I? - Whats my identity?
Where are all the jobs at? - Struggling to find a job.
Islam 101 Series
Who is Allah?

Please watch: "☑️ How to become a Muslim - A step by step guide 😊"
Рекомендации по теме

Hey guys, if you have any questions on the top of Islam or any other
questions that's on your mind, please do leave me a comment below and I
will try my best to reply back to you as soon as possible 😊


Anwar did you leave Instagram or block me ? I cannot find you. Hoping you are well.
