Has this camera captured a miracle of spiritual proportions?

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Michigan Fire Chief Glen Thorman says his home security camera captured an angel floating over a truck.

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When I was homeless a man stopped his car in a parking lot and called me by name, he said I'm here to buy you breakfast.. We went to McDonald's he also gave me some money... That was six years ago. He said don't give up, your not forgotten.. Now I have a wonderful job and fiancee.. Thank you whoever you are..Thank God


I am a Registered Nurse and I have seen Angel's guarding I have also seen the other end of the spectrum. Accept Jesus Christ as your Savior. Shalom


My dad when he passed, looked to his right and looked back at my mom with a peaceful look and said "they're here for me, ive got to go" - and my dad passed.


When I was first born, I almost died at birth, I was in the NICU for almost a whole month, without anyone or my own mom being able to hold or touch or feed me. One day I was getting a lot worse and the Dr told my mom they would send me to sick kids in the morning. That night my mom was with me like she had been the whole time, and the nurses we had all went on lunch. It was quiet and it was just my mom and me in the area, then a nurse came into the room that my mom had never seen before and started to talk to my mom about how when they send babies as sick as I was to the sick kids hospital that it was for the baby to die there. So the nurse let my mom hold me for the first time since I was born, I was almost a month old, and my mom fed me and held me for as long as she could. Then the nurse put me back into the incubator I was in and left. The next morning the nurses came in to check on me and the Dr said I was getting healthy and didn't have to be transported to sickkids hospital, then my mom asked for the name of the nurse that let her hold me and was with us at night, and they said that person didn't work there and they didn't know who she was talking about. My mom knew it was an angel


My daughter had a terminal disease at 9 years old. She was going through chemo and it seemed we were going to lose her. She woke up one night and saw an angel standing at the foot of her bed, she said he was awesome to behold and that she felt totally protected. From that day forward her health improved. That was 13 years ago and she is prospering and full of life. Praise the Father and Son !!!!


I have gone through some of the hardest things in the last 3 months, I had a miscarriage and my husband passed away! Right before these two events happended. I saw an Angel standing right next to me. Huge!!!! I felt scared for a minute how big it was, but I realized what it was and felt such a peace come over me as soon as I realized it was an angel, and fell asleep. I believe God was saying you have some hard things coming but I’M RIGHT NEXT TO YOU!


I was in the hospital E.R. dieing from a heart attack the pain was unbearable, I was alone and scared and I cried out to God in my spirit because I could not speak from the heart attack. All of a sudden the operating room filled with angels and I felt complete peace in my sole and I was ready to be with the lord and I had a smile on my face. The doctor preformed angioplasty and cleared the blocked artery. After the surgery in the critical care the doctor told me in 24 years of preforming heart surgery he never had a patient as calm as me. He told me he never gave me a sedative, just a local were he opent my femoral artery. I told him I was calm because God sent his angels to give me peace, he looked at me like I was crazy.


I was with my father when he passed. I remember how the sky looked; and the sun. I remember the moment he passed. I held his hand and there was a ‘silence’ or ‘peace’ that came over the room we were in. I can’t even describe it. I knew I was in the presence of his heavenly escorts. Not a question. It was so obvious.


As a paramedic for 22+ years, I’ve been with many people at their moments of passing. While I can’t say I ever heard or saw angels, there IS a definite feeling of when the soul leaves the body. People sometimes try to convince me that there is no such thing as God. All I know is that I have seen many things, good and bad, that cannot be explained in any other way. There is absolutely no question in my mind that God is real.


I was at the lowest point in my life. I cried out “ life sucks and I have nothing!”....I heard a calm voice say, “you are wrong, you have gave my life that night to God. Within 2 years my family was back together, I had a great job and eventually God made a youth minister out of me....God is good and amazing!


As a child, I’d consistently witnessed domestic violence in the home..as a result, I became homeless at the age of 12..a relative purchased a one way ticket to California from Illinois..within 3 months, the same relative placed me out in the street, and I was homeless again, this time 3000 miles away from family..while in the street, a “cab driver”saw me & inquired as to what he could do, he drove me, free of charge to a motel, & paid for a few days stay..Never gave a card or left a name..Fast forward to the present: I’m Happily married with 2 beautiful children and consider myself a fairly stable adult..Blessed!! Thank God for those Encounters..😊


I was a young nurse caring for a 108 year old man. He’d played golf until the age of 106. His mind was sharp, however, his body had began to fail him, and he was hospitalized with pneumonia. A respiratory therapist had just given him his scheduled breathing treatment, he looked at me and smiled, then looked past me, and became focused on something in the room, and began having a conversation in a whispered voice, and an enormous grin on his face! And then he just quietly passed away. I knew at once that I’d witnessed something extraordinary, and that he saw angels who were there to take him home. When his children arrived (who had to be in their 70’s and 80’s, but appeared much younger), I shared my experience with them, and was told it gave them great peace and joy and confirmation that their dad was resting in the arms of his maker. That was 25 years ago, and I still remember his name well. His family continued to visit me in the hospital over the next twenty years, bringing other members to introduce themselves to me. It truly is the best experience that I had in my nursing career!


A Nurse came into my room the night before my tubal ligation and asked me why. I told her i didn't want any more children. She went on about this is your only daughter, she will need a sister to play with, something could happen to her and I won't be able to have any more children and so on. The following morning I told the doctor I changed my mind. I told him that the nurse made me rethink. He asked me to describe the nurse and I did. They left my room and minutes later the nurse that was with the doctor came back and said, Mrs Benson, we had no nurse who worked last night that fits that description.... Yes and 2 years later I had an unexpected pregnancy. It was a girl.


Angels are all around us fighting battles protecting us.


In 1985, 2 months after my daughter was born, my husband was working 2 jobs while I was on maternity the 2nd job was a paper route in the early morning hours after working 10 hours in his parents business. He fell asleep at the wheel in an old VW beetle, jumped an embankment, flew 35 feet in the air, slammed into a tree, was thrown out the back window midair and had a severe head injury, was paralyzed from the waist down but managed to pull himself up the 35 ft embankment and forced himself out in front of an oncoming car. Thankfully the "man" stopped, helped my husband into his car, drove 3 miles to ER where no one remembers how my husband got to the hospital or ever recalled seeing the "man" but my husband remembers the "man" standing outside the ER room he was in. I was so thankful for the "man" that I ran an ad in the local newspaper offering thanks and a reward BUT no one ever came forth. I truly believe an angel saved his life that early morning.


🌿🕊 I saw an Angel like this that stopped me from putting a metal knitting needle into an electrical wall socket when I was a child !!! REAL 🙏


Monday i was visited by the Holy Spirit
My son was in coma for 28 days.I was praying he woke up Monday.A long way to recovery but he is alive i got my miracle.❤❤❤


I was raising 3 children alone, without a car. My 8 yr old woke up burning up with 104 fever. I could find no one to take us to ER. A neighbor agreed to take me three fourths of the way. My 2 children walked with me as I carried my sick son. We saw the Doctor, got antibiotics for strept throat. We had to walk home 3 miles, me still holding him in my arms. It seemed like 100's of cars passed, then as I cried out to God I could not go on any more and was falling to my knees a silver sadan pulled up and a very reserved, well dressed man told us to get in. Very unlike me I got me and my children in the back seat. He drove off, turned into my appt complex and stopped in front of my door. He turned towards me and said your son will be fine. I left the peace of his car and carried my sick son to his bed. Then it hit me, how did he know where we lived, I never told him. My son was cool and ate without pain. The next day he went to school. I know and my children know, he was an Angel. God heard my cry as good Father's do. Praise God for His Angels !!!


We got a call and my relative told my family that my aunty was in the hospital in critical condition. When we arrived, the nurse had told us she’s not responding. As I stood over her body, I called on the lord and prayed that she come back to us if it was God’s will. Not even a minute later, she woke up. I called the nurse and the nurse was speechless. That’s the power of our God. I wasn’t’ going to share my story but perhaps somebody may benefit from it.


I saw angels when I was about 5 years old. I was walking through town in the middle of the day, on a sunny day, with 2 adult cousins. On our walk there were 2 huge figures of light so bright that I remember describing it to them as 2 suns walking with us. My cousins did not see them but I could see they were about 10 ft high with bodies and their wings were tucked behind them. They were blurry because of the immense bright light surrounding them. I remember feeling such overwhelming peace seeing them with us. This was in the early 60’s in a small town in Mexico. We had no TV, books or anything that I can explain that would have given me a idea of what angels were, or what they looked like. The spiritual realm and God is REAL 🌞 👼 😇
