Is She Into You or Turned Off By You? | Body Language Superpowers!
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Samantha was in a quiet hotel bar, drinking alone, when Bill came up and introduced himself. Bill, ever the gentleman, asked Samantha if he could sit down and buy her a drink. Throughout their entire conversation, Bill became increasingly flirtatious, often laying his hand on Samantha’s shoulder whenever he made a point or told a joke. Bill was a natural conversationalist. He loved to tell stories and found it easy to make people laugh.
Sure enough, Samantha soon found herself laughing at just about everything Bill said. Bill had a feeling Samantha liked him, especially as she kept on telling him how funny he was. What Bill failed to notice, however, was the myriad of nonverbal cues Samantha kept sending his way. Despite the fact that Samantha was looking directly at Bill and smiling, her body told an entirely different story. The moment Bill sat down, Samantha grabbed her purse and crossed her arms. At no point during their conversation did she turn her body to face him. She even kept her legs crossed, pointing her feet away from him. As Bill continued to engage her in conversation, Samantha barely touched her drink and kept her wrists face down on the table. And even though Samantha continued to chitchat to Bill in a light-hearted way, not once did she touch her hair or touch her body to signal romantic interest. To the casual observer, Samantha’s body language screamed please leave me alone. Bill, however, had no idea what Samantha was thinking because he was entirely focused on the sweet and encouraging words flowing from her mouth. Only when Bill finally asked Samantha for her phone number did he discover her true level of interest.
Fifteen minutes later, Bill skulked away from the bar, frustrated and humiliated. What a cock-tease, he thought. I bet she loves to lead men on. If only Bill knew how to read body language, he would have saved himself a lot of trouble and preserved his ego in the process.
In the same way that women use body language to signal interest, women also use body language to let men know when they’re not interested in being seduced. It’s important to understand what these nonverbal cues are so you can avoid wasting your time trying to seduce women who aren’t interested. Closed, unreceptive body language is often displayed in one of the following ways:
— She crosses her legs and arms.
— She keeps her wrists turned down.
— She turns her feet and legs away from you.
— She moves personal objects out of your reach.
— She doesn’t touch any objects or preen herself.
When you pay close attention to a woman’s body language, you’ll quickly discover how a woman feels about you. You no longer have to try to figure out what she’s thinking or feeling. The important thing to remember here is that female communication is covert as opposed to overt. A woman will rarely tell you that she likes you and wants to date you. This doesn’t mean a woman won’t signal her interest or availability. When a woman’s attracted to you, she’ll let you know by displaying, what are to her, obvious signs of interest.
Understanding how a woman communicates her interest is a crucial part of the seduction process. What does her body language tell you? Is her body language open or closed? Are her toes pointing towards you or away from you? A woman that’s interested in you will make herself available to you. She’ll communicate her interest through her body language and her actions.
Besides a woman’s body language, there are even more subtle signs of interest that you must be aware of. For instance, has the woman suddenly started wearing lipstick or perfume? Does she come and sit close to you? And does she frequent the same places you frequent? You only need be aware of such “coincidences” to realize that most women go out of their way to make themselves available to men they find attractive.
If you want to maintain attraction with a woman, right from the moment you first meet her all the way through to a long-term relationship, then I highly recommend you get a copy of my book Atomic Attraction.
Check out the Get Her Back (Action Plan) for the best way to get your girlfriend back if she's pulled away from you or left you.
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Chris Canwell