Cows on Mars?

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When we eventually go to Mars - will we take cows with us?

I caught up with a fellow Aussie with a huge interest in Mars - Dr. Dianne McGrath. We spoke in-depth all about how we could potentially live on Mars answering the fundamental question - will we be able to take cows with us?

You'll be surprised by the answer!

3:03 - About Dianne McGrath: PHD Candidate at MIT research on food waste, other passions of space; life on Mars; long duration space missions especially around mental health on long duration space missions ; in-situ resource utilisation on both the Moon and Mars
3:36 - INSITU for off planet and on Earth
4:34 - How to recycle well here on Earth: Understanding more deeply how things can be recycled.
4.54 - Mars Desert Research Station on food waste recycling
6:26 - How accurate is The Martian?
7:01 - Something better than the good ol spud!
7:33 - A closer look at Martian and Lunar Regolith to support vegetables
8:15 - Mars One and producing plants in Martian regolith
8:47 - Comparison of growing food on Earth, Moon and Mars
10:01 - Grow to harvest seeds for the next generation
10:18 - Are there the right lighting conditions on Mars to grow plants?
11:03 - Plants under pressure (environment, lighting etc.)
12:38 - Can this work on Earth?
13:24 - Easy access to health food
13:59 - Vast majority of the population living in urban spaces
14:17 - Vow food: Meat without the animal
15:19 - How these technologies can be applied here on Earth
16:23 - Space Cows!
17:12 - Insects on Mars
18:03 - Martian compost?
18:46 - Insects: a tasty snack!
19:18 - Mars One deep-dive
20:09 - A one-way trip to Mars….why???
23:56 - Mars: A retirement as a option
24:45 - Moon or Mars: What would you prefer?
26:40 - The human story of travelling to the Moon or Mars

Dianne McGrath

Josh Keegan
Twitter: @josuhakeegan
Instagram: @josuha_keegan

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These are the pressing questions for space colonisation that hardly gets asked. Top video mate


So looking forward to starship launch 😃🎬🖖


What I would like to know, is where to find NASA documentation regarding this subject. I have found nothing. But, this is something that should already be in the planning phase. Food is a vital component to a mission goal of adaptability to space and extraterrestrial colonization. It is also vital in morale. Astronauts eating pintobeans and rice would not work out for long. They would lose morale and become very agitated as they are already confined and isolated. Good meats and veggies would play a crucial role in success. But, we need to figure out how to mitigate the risks and dangers of bringing larger animals first. This is why I am trying to find information on it. Hopefully I can research it and help with this problem.


Taking cows to Mars for food makes perfect sense. Meat is what humans need to eat to be healthy. It contains lots of nutrition not found in other protein. Lab meat is economically unviable as experts in this industry have come to admit. They will help remediate the atmosphere by adding methane and fertilizer creating better conditions for soil and atmospheric bacteria.
