Jon Blow on how they were able to tell if The Witness copy was pirated
Jonathan Blow on Why He is Creating JAI
Jonathan Blow Gives Advice To His Younger Self
Jonathan Blow on the Problem with Object Oriented
Understanding your Own Game - Jonathan Blow
The problem with concise code (Jonathan Blow)
Programmers don't know how fast their computers are
Jonathan Blow on how an operating system should work
They ACTUALLY think this is programming! Jonathan Blow CAN'T stop laughing!
Jonathan Blow on libc
Jonathan Blow on Deep Work: The Shape of a Problem Doesn't Start Anywhere
Jonathan Blow on Refactoring
Preventing the Collapse of Civilization / Jonathan Blow (Thekla, Inc)
Jonathan Blow - What went wrong in software development
Windows is a trash fire but it's still the best we have (Jonathan Blow)
Writing Everything from Scratch - Jonathan Blow #shorts
Why Jonathan Blow hates screen-space rendering techniques (Riven spoiler?)
Jonathan Blow on how he Learned to Program
Jonathan Blow on the 'Stack'
Software Complexity to Make Anything - Jonathan Blow
Game devs are drowning in complicated proprietary systems (Jonathan Blow)
Social media damages your brain and sabotages your potential (Jonathan Blow)
Jonathan Blow on the Design of Jai
Jonathan Blow on the Death of the Author
Reminds me of Game Dev Tycoon (where the whole point of the game is that you create games) and the developer released a cracked version of the game themselves, but added in a 'feature' that after a certain point in time, people would start cracking the games you create, causing you to lose increasingly high amounts of money over time, until you run out of money and lose.
I like how the clip starts and you think it's gonna be some kind of anti-piracy trick they used, but instead it was just pirates screwing with each other.
As someone who has struggled with font rendering I can sympathize with deciding to hard code a line height lol
i was expecting him to mention the loading zone chunk in the middle of the map where it would try and load like 4 areas and severely chunk performance every time you walked through
Batman Arkham Asylum had an anti-piracy "bug" where the grappling hook wouldn't work but it takes about two hours to get to the point where you'd get it, otherwise the game works perfectly until you reached a wall you can only pass with it.
A lot of users online were hilariousu complaining that it was broken as a result.
The Godfather game had a bug were pirates copies had inverted aiming with weapons but normal aiming for moving around and also wouldn't let you enter or exit vehicles. The shooting was manageable to a limited extent but you had to run everywhere and the game map was pretty big. I think the fourth game mission you're driving a car(the game loads you into the car in a Cutscene) with a bomb in it and you can't enter or exit the vehicle so the countdown just slowly ticks down and you explode.
Good times.
How wretched it must be for a creator to go, today I want to watch people experience my game! and then hop on twitch to see that half of them had so obviously pirated it. Totally sucky.
My favorite genre of video is devs roasting the people who cracked/pirated their game
Oh, interesting! Thank you for clipping that!
I love how the based Chinese pirates take the extra step to hardcode the game in Chinese 😂
TODO : Make a pirated version of my own game and have a download link to it. But mention that it is a pirated version and they don't have permission to use it. I am just putting it here.
how he was like "wtf is that shi" when he first witnessed it and then realized what really was going on lol. I admire Jon Blow now this was funny
idea: When deving a game, make it so that cutting off/failing Steam handshake produces a subtle visual glitch. Implement this stealthly.
love how this is all just really an excuse to diss the programming skills of the western hackers in comparison to the chinese ones
I've always wondered how much trouble a dev could get into if they embedded a crypto miner in a fake pirated copy they release themselves, along with an in-game message that pops up when their first 'payment' has been earned.
I know he MADE THE GAME but it's still surprising he figured that all out, I have no idea how he wouldn't conclude that it's just a bug on his end.
The Witness was such an experience. I wish I could erase my memories of it so I could discover it for the first time all over again.
That would be an awkward bug issue to explain why you won't fix it.
It turns out that Jon Blow himself was The Witness [of streamers outing themselves.]
What's the name of the game on display?
bought the witness while watching this video, first jon blow game