Haram Gui (Feeling Generous) Urna Chahar-Tugchi & Oli Bott | Studio OtGO

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Haram Gui (Feeling Generous) Urna Chahar-Tugchi und Oli Bott | Studio OtGO

#UrnaChaharTugchi #OliBott #OTGO

Song Lyrics - Haram Gui (From the Heart/Feeling Generous)
I was lucky to be born.
Courage and the power to master life
Were given to me by my father and mother.
What they gave to me I will cordially share with you.

When I sit in the quiet, wide steppe
My thoughts fly to the wonderful things
In this great colorful world. Memories awaken.
I will tell you about them in my songs and stories.

Under the gentle moonlight
Observing the world abound me, listening to its voices
My heart opens up, thoughts are free.

I will share all my best wishes with you.

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