Why Bach is more of an accordion composer

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Performed on an accordion by Sergey Sadovoy

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It's a pity Bach never heard an accordion in his lifetime. I'm sure he would have fallen off his chair listening to you play his tunes.


Thank you for this wonderful video with explanation in your outstanding English.


Моё любимое развлечение, когда кто-то начинает говорить, что "гармошка" только для "тру-ля-ля", я такому включаю запись прилюдии Баха и прошу "угадать" инструмент. А потом показываю видео с этим же исполнением дуэта баянистов. :)


Bach´s Music is universal and sounds good on every instrument. I never figured out why this is true; because he is the GOAT, or music was like that back then, or he just made it up like that?
You can play his compositions on Organ, Violin, Cello, Hapiscord, Piano, Organ with less Pipes or electronic organ, , MIDI-Piano, Trumpet, and even Accordion.
But of course he would have loved the Accordion, he had either the grand complex organ or the crude(?) hapsicord. I really can imagine him playing the Accordion in front of his Children or his dozens of pupils in Leipzig, bringing everybody to new Levels on Polyphony while he is going maniac :-).
But we will never experience that, Bach is dead, 1/3 of his compositions died with him, you see fish was sold with papers containing his notes to pack the fish inside it. He is dead.
But he lives forever.


Hello Sergey,

thank you for this Bach lesson.


Best regards



Im an organ player myself who dabbles in some accordion, although nothing on the level of playing any Bach pieces, while I do agree that the accordion is a very nice instrument that really brings a new look on Bachs music, it lacks in the fact that one often simply has too little fingers to play all the notes. The organ overcomes this by using pedal, which the accordion ofcourse cannot do. So while the accordion has some advantages it also has some disadvantages. Further, while the tone of the accordion can be changed with crescendos and dimminuendos it does lack in the fact that it doesnt have as many different registers as an organ. So yes it is very nice to play the pieces on it, and it is very interesting, but it is not the perfect instrument for Bachs organ music.


So interesting. Thanks to your videos, I've come to love classical music on the accordion. So unexpected and beautiful!


Brilliant! The italian expression Mano comes to my mind.


Hello Sergey !
Very interesting content, especially with you performance )
Great job 👍


Thank you very much for the very interesting explanations, that have given me a better understanding of this instrument (the Bajan, as I have now learned).
When I can hear you again in Frankfurt/Main? I would be delighted to see and hear you in concert! Best regards from Frankfurt/Main.


А по существу, Бах очень легко перекладывается на любые инструменты (сам сколько экспериментировал) - его музыка не так критична к звучанию каждого из инструментов. Вплоть до электрогитары и рок-ансамбля можно использовать для исполнения Баха. А вот попробуйте сделать тоже самое с Брукнером или Шнитке - вот уж кого сложно ре-оркестрировать и придумывать аранжировку! Ну, или хотя бы взять Бетховена - его оркестровые произведения почти невозможно переложить для одного инструмента. Так что я не удивлён, что Бах - самый популярный композитор, когда дело доходит до интертрепаций.


I love your explanation very much!!!
You make me think about owning a chromatic accordion with free bass😊


If I could bring any historical figure from the past into the present it would be Bach; he'd love the accordion. He'd probably also love playing with a modular synth or a Hammond organ & a wall of speakers. Bach seemed to just really love music and was very adept at bringing out the unique capabilities in every instrument he composed for


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Недавно рассуждал на тему персоны Баха в музыке и в целом о его методах композиции. Мне кажется он был аутистом с гиперфиксацией на музыке.
Если бы аккордеоны существовали в его время, он бы такие штуки для них писал, все бы выпали.
Хотя, он и писал, получается:) Ну или Кирилл Демиан просто изначально делал такой инструмент, на котором Токката и фуга Dm зазвучала в любом месте.


Accordion is only second to an organ - an instrument almost no one can afford.


Yes, it's true that the accordion adds important dynamic variation to the melody, whereas the organ is far less dynamically flexible and thus sounds too rigid.


The accordion invented in 1822 Berlin, Germany by Friedrich Buschmann. He invented the harmonica in 1821 and 1822 he built out an accordion. He basically is adding a bellow in between of the two harmonica and adding up keys on it. And slowly became popular in Europe. But in 19th century the people only used accordion to play folk and ethnic music. Which country make the accordion became popular? Answer is the America. In 20th century from 1900 to 1970 there's a lot of Jazz accordionist make this instrument being popular spread around the entire world. But sadly after 1970 the electric guitar make the accordion became the dying instrument. If you hear any pop song around 1950 to 1970. You can hear the accordion sound appearing in it. Beatles also can play the accordion and Benny Andersson from ABBA also played it. And I don't know why the pop song after 2000 no one used the accordion anymore? All with piano and guitar and make it sound bored to me.


i think accordion have all the element of classical music except percussion


Accordion looks like Organ I think that it`s same Now I`m surprised
