Logistic regression Model under 12 minutes using Diabetes dataset. #python #tutorial #ml

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Hello Everyone !!!
Logistic regression Model under 12 minutes using Diabetes dataset. #python #tutorial #ml #linearregression #mlmodels #ml #machinelearning #machinelearningalgorithms #supervisedlearning #datascience .

Myself - Master's in Data Analytics| Youtuber | Educational blogger | Work with Data | Data is future

My Aim - To share all my knowledge and experience to viewers and help them study with real time data not book and lectures.

In this video we have discussed :
1. Logistic Regression using Diabetes Dataset.
2. Data Acquisition and handling outliers.
3. Machine Learning using Python
4. Explore dataset and co-relations.
5. Train and Test Split of data set.
6. Evaluation of ML models.
7. Classification Reports.

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#linearregression #supervisedlearning #jupyternotebook #ml #machinelearning #machinelearningalgorithms #machinelearning #study #tutorial #material.
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