China's New Mega Bridges SHOCKED American Scientists

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When thinking about significant bridge constructions in the world, your mind wanders to the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, Sunshine Skyway Bridge in St. Petersburg, and London's Tower Bridge. However, countless other mega bridges outshine these bridges in scale, innovation, and ambition. Many of these bridges are in China, the Asian superpower known for its mastery of large scale engineering. What makes these bridges iconic and record breaking? How much does it cost to erect one of these mega bridges? And how are these massive bridges connecting people and impacting the Chinese economy? Join us in this video as we take you on a tour of the most iconic and spellbinding Chinese engineering that shocked American engineers. We also show you the many innovations that have made these mammoth projects possible in record time. Plus you will learn what it costs to build the bridges in monetary value.

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These are truly awesome feats of engineering and they look fabulous.


This video will not be approved by the professional "China Haters" who have never been to China/ Asia in their lives.




China does have great heritage. I have nothinng but admiration for architectural achievements across the world. Engineering for the good of the people is the greatest achievements to me. People who work together to advance our differences together as intelligent people. Hunger, diseases, health, and humanity. Engineering at its best. We are in this world together. Don't kill it by fighting over stupidity. Uncertainty principal is the future of our existence as intelligent people. I have built many foundations and am at awe by the similarities across the globe by ancient structures that are similarly designed earth wide. We could achieve a better existence for others yet to come. Power seems to disenfranchise governments from the people who work for the betterment of mankind. My wish is to save ourselves against ourselves. United to preserve our world together. Physics 101. Magnets show the bonding power of atomic force of heat and the repulsion force of cold space. Two forces of everything. Heat is the southern polarity and cold is the northern polarity of magnetic fields of internal magnetic fields. Stars have a internal magnetic field and multiple external magnetic fields. Internal magnetic fields grounding surface mass quatum magnetic fields towards its nucleus of mass as heat. Stars decay as heat loss of waves of thermaldynamics singularities passing through space outside of entanglement of mass as dark energy throughout cold space coexist as space itself. Stars replenish thermaldynamics singularities into renewable energy singularities in resistance to mass. Singularities are perpetual motion that exchange energy in mass as chain reactions until resistance is overcome by open space. Stars decaying their external magnetic fields by decreasing their mass cycling circulation patterns eventually vaporizes their external magnetic fields giving the stars internal magnetic field draws more force from the external magnetic fields of force and the heat disolves the internal mass to singularities that spin off into space and explodes outwardly force leaving behind avoid of pure cold fabric of space itself. Repulsion from space to thermaldynamics singularities spun outward are forced back towards the void created by the breakdown of the stars magnetic field. The singularities outside the void created ride the perimeter of the void as an external magnetic field. Lightning burns through atmospheres producing sparks of electrons as light, decay of atmospheres gasses into singularities and cold space itself as a void. Surrounding atmosphere slamming shut on the void creates thunder. In space it is opposite. Internal magnetic fields allow quatum magnetic fields to grounding as weight of pressure within mass as redirected quatum magnetic fields towards the greater magnetic field of earth's center force. In space the magnetic field generators are external magnetic fields with a nucleus of cold space devoid of thermaldynamics singularities. There isn't any grounding. Quatum magnetic fields are disolved by the greater magnetic field. Equilibrium is reached by accumulation of mass around the magnetic field reaching efficiency as to lose force of its field to disolve quatum magnetic fields as debris left behind. Galaxies are formed around these bubbles of external magnetic fields. Heat boils water bubbles. Galaxies surrounding a cold bubble with heat. Polarity. Theoretically factual probability that works with quantum physics without gravity.
