LEGO 5988 Pharaoh’s Forbidden Ruins *VINTAGE REVIEW!* - Adventurers Retrospective, Ep. 11

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Today we’re going to continue our Adventurers Retrospective series by taking a look at set number 5988 Pharaoh’s Forbidden Ruins. Please be sure to like, comment, and subscribe!

All original content ©️ Copyright 2018, TrikBrix - Footage, music, and narration may not be used without expressed written consent.
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I was born in 2005 so I missed out on all adventurers sets but I am currently collecting them.


Grandma told me I could pick any set I wanted for my birthday. It was between this one and the sphinx model, which I ended up choosing because I was in love with the shape of it for some reason. My grandma asked me if I was sure I didn't want the more expensive temple of Anubis. I was firm in my decision. Somehow this dilemma always stuck with me xD I think I'm gonna buy this just to put my childhood ghost at ease xd


Got this set as a little schoolkid for Christmas. This was my first great set and also one of the last ones sadly, as my parents' company went bankrupt and we had no more money for such luxuries. Living in Eastern-Europe was not the best way to collect expensive Lego sets. So you can imagine why this one is very close to my heart, probably my most loved game from my childhood. I knew a lot of other kids did not get the chance to play with such a great toy, so I always cared for it, always checking every pieces watching not to lose anything. I still have every part with the old and creased, scotch taped instructions.

Today, more than 20 years later I can buy these sets to build the collection I was always dreaming of as a child. Not that I would play the same way with them of course, but just to simply build and touch them, take care of them until I'll have children to share these great treausures with them, the same way my parents shared this one with me many many years ago at that Christmas.

I feel the very same thing with your reviews, a commitment I do not get in any other lego channels here. They are just blank reviews with no real deepness, and I've always felt a bit alone with these feelings when I've ever stumbled across my old toys or watched videos about them. You on the other hand share the details, the stories behind the themes, the name of the characters. Every little nuances in every little corner we loved to discover 20 years ago. You share them like it would really matter. And it did really matter to us back in those days. Your videos have brought back actual memories and emotions. I'm very grateful for that and also happy that I'm not alone with this nostalgic and somewhat negligible (at least for other people) hobby.

I reckon you are going to review newer sets from the late 2000's and 2010's after no more left from this era, and I guess there are truly great sets there to take a look at and talk about. Still, I will always come back to watch these, the ones made about the classic Legoland and System sets, because they have real soul I just can't find in any newer products.

Take care and keep up the good work!


Once upon a time, I used to watch a Youtube Lego reviewer known as Bill and Red. Bill had a wonderful way of reviewing classic Lego sets. His reviews were fun, informative, laid back and his awesome robot known as "Red" always delighted. If I were having a bad day, I could slip away for 8-10 minutes and let myself get lost in his entertaining reviews. Bill was my gateway to Lego as an adult. His videos were the ultimate "comfort food" for any Lego fan. Sadly, Bill is no longer with us, but thanks to you, TrikBrix, the torch has been picked up, held high so the "comfort" lives on. Your reviews are delightful. And all the work you put into each video is on display for all to enjoy. I don't know if you ever saw Bill and Red, but if you had, I know you would've been a fan. In these very trouble times, it's people like you, that remind us of simpler, happier times, and allow us to bring some of that simple and happy into the here and now. Bravo, sir!


I remember this set. It always had a kinda magical impression on me when I was little. It belonged to my brother and it was pretty much the only set that was not taken apart. All others were in those big boxes, scrumbled and build into different things.

But not this set.

It was kept in an upper section of a ward robe and only taken out sometimes to play with. I was 3 when it came out and it was always so special when I had it in my hands...

Now it rests on one of my shelves in my collection room.

This set means so much to me, and I loved your video!


4:36 it appears that the colours were unintentionally inverted. Notice how the one on the left has a blue compass with a yellow dial, while on the right, it's a yellow compass with a blue dial. Also, the one on the right has a blue belt buckle, while on the left, its yellow.


Unpopular opinion : Adventurers should have had a reboot in 2018 for the 20th anniversary of the theme


0:54 I'm pretty they got that rolling boulder idea from that Easter egg in serious sam 2. the designer who made this must have been a big fan


Such a smooth and calming Video. Thats the era of Lego from my childhood. It had so much love and lightness in it that you forget your whole world around you. Thats pure nostalgia and so pleasant to see and watch. 😊


The run of the mill skeleton will forever be my favorite


Just stumbling into my favorite Lego set and favorite lego review, again. Just hoping that you would be making more videos again. I miss your reviews, I hope you come back at some point. Meanwhile, I'll keep rewatching the old ones. Take care!


Watching this series has led to me hunting down sets again, and funnily enough, this set ended up being the best deal I've managed to get. As of April 2024, 5988 is selling for around £150 in the UK pretty frequently (and even more on Bricklink).

I got incredibly lucky and managed to snag a 99.9% complete set for a mere £64. Only missing one pair of binoculars and one of the palm trees has a brown stem piece instead of green. Instructions in beautiful condition and everything else fantastic. Couldn't be happier!


I just stumbled across your channel. Your videos are excellent, you deserve way more followers. Keep it up, you will for sure get subscribers in the future!


My little brother had this and I had Amazon Ancient Ruins. I swapped my Johnny's hands for Achu's red gloves so we could tell whose Johnny was whose more easily.


It's been a blast traveling across these classic sets through your well made videos. This set will be my Re-Gou ruby. Hope I find one in decent condition. I miss these classic style crocodiles.


Add anything else unpleasant...

Me: searching for lego minifigures of the in-laws.


I've got this set sitting in my living room right now and yet I keep watching this review. I think I've seen it 5 times now and every time I enjoy it. Great video man, hope to see more from you soon!


I just found your channel and wow! I absolutely love it and what you do with the vintage sets. In fact, I like to incorporate vintage sets into my own modern LEGO city layout so your channel is an awesome resource and very professionally done. Thank you! And...thank you for making me go and buy this set on eBay because your review reminded me of how much my kids and I loved it back in it’s day! Keep up the great work.


hey man thanks for doing these videos, they're taking me on a real nostalgia trip. I remember playing with the 5935 Island Hopper when I was 7-8 years old I still got parts of it in my unsorted box. also had the 5956 balloon. good times


My sister had this set and passed it down to me when i was 6-7 in 2006, one of my fav sets and it has some great memories... no idea where it ended up though!
