How to Program Realistic MIDI Drums (TODAY!)

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01:26 - Technique #1
09:01 - Technique #2
10:30 - Technique #3


#MIDIDrums #DrumMixing #HomeRecording
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Tip: go to midi-transform and then humanize. You’ll save a couple of minutes


The tip on muting the reverb on the drum software (and using the your track reverb) is a good one.


Great tips! I like to use a midi keyboard to get a groove going, it does not have a response as good as playing real drums, so some parts I have to drag around, maybe some bad single hits. I also find that being able to record your own multi layer drum samples helps with realism, as most drum plugins different velocity layers are too perfect (all hits in the exact location on the drums) or not enough variation in the hi hats. But with the techniques you showcased, you can get a pretty decent drum sound on most plugins, even the inexpensive/free ones.


All his tutorials are real good! Great job, very well explained! :)


This an outstanding tutorial. Big fan of your channel.


Abelton has an 'extract groove' function (from a beat) that retains drum timing AND velocity. Very quick and easy to drag a loop to the groove pool and then drag the groove to your programmed midi clip. Instant Questlove.


Another good tip... download an IR loader and get some reverb IRs. Creative Soundlabs has one and it's great for getting a real room sound without having to be in a room. I've asked my other music friend to get an ir of his garage so that way when I'm doing demos and stuff for our band I don't have to always be at his place in order to get good drum sounds.


I wish my drum vst had options to change the drumkit. I can only change the mics but I want more toms and cymbals


Great video brother and one of the first times I thoroughly enjoyed the music being demoed in the tutorial of one these types of vids !!


Absolutely great vid. Thank you for sharing your knowledge will try all your tips.


Thanks! When my drums sound fake it completely ruins my songs. The saturation tip is a good one


hi so i'm trying to learn how to read the drum track. /what is what?? especially on the long squiggly lines.


Plz make a video about programming guitar in piano roll with strummed acoustic


Can you make a video on automation? Why and how you use it? All the different functions of it and such. Thanks.


What if you use e-drumkit for triggering vst, then the midi "humanization" would be already there in the performance/midi track and not necessary I guess? Thanks


Great info, very usefull video. Thanks a lot for sharing this knowledge!


wich one do you recomend to play in live with a band, we dont have a drum player in the band and we want to use a daw, but we want the most realistic posible


I often find it simplest to start building my midi drum track (assuming that the guitars, vocals and what-have-you are already in place and aligned more or less in time) by importing 2-3 similar, yet slightly varied beats from the plugin's library (at least AD automatically matches them to your project's tempo), and copy-pasting them across the song. Then I would import various drum fills into pertinent sections of the song. Then I'd start the time-consuming, yet strangely satisfying, process of editing the individual drum hits/passages to taste...maybe placing the first/third hit squarely on the beat/grid, matching the velocities according to my understanding of a drummer's psychology...when will he be likely to hit the kick and snare the loudest, and when not? I'll also include some deliberate mistakes in timing or in the "purity" of an executed hit to further humanise the performance...I'm trying to emulate instances when a human drummer would get (over)excited in a song :)

Choice of kit? Sometimes it can pay off to play with the listener's expectations, e.g. using a jazz kit in a metal song, or vice versa...with suitable tweaks according to the genre, so as not to wholly alienate the audience. At any rate dynamics should be IMO maintained regardless of genre. None of this "always have the kick and snare hitting at max velocity in e.g. metal" nonsense.

I'd treat at least the snare track(s) differently than the other drum channels...maybe apply more reverb, tape simulation, "general" saturation, compression or whatnot. Obviously best to experiment and try different options out...analogue console and/or tape emulation applied to the whole kit or just parts of it? You decide...


Where's part 3 of building a home studio? I'm looking forward to learning about sound treatment.


I feel so fascinated with that reverb on the vocal! Do you have the tutorial for using reverb on the vocals like on this video?
