The Neuroscience Of Awakening: Your Brain On Buddhism

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Our brains have the amazing ability to change themselves.
This is called neuroplasticity.
Our brains are not fixed structures.
Rather, they are dynamic systems that are constantly changing and
evolving in response to the environment.
In fact, research done in the last decade has shown that the brain is much
more malleable and responsive to change than previously thought.

Neuroplasticity can occur at different levels of the brain, from the level of
individual neurons to the level of entire brain regions.
One of the primary features of neuroplasticity is that it is
This means that the changes in the brain are driven by experiences and

For example, if a person engages in a particular activity repeatedly, such as
learning to play a musical instrument or practising a new language, the
the brain will adapt to these experiences and develop new neural connections
that support these activities.
Neuroplasticity also has important implications for understanding the
relationship between the mind and the brain.
If the brain can change and adapt in response to
experiences, this means that our minds also can change
and adapt.
But what do we mean when we say “mind”?
What is a mind?
The mind is nothing but thoughts.

There is no mind without thoughts.
Therefore, because of the neuroplasticity of brains, we can radically change
our thought patterns, or our minds.
We can change our thought patterns to have happier or more beneficial
But even more than this.
We can also develop the capacity to slow or even stop thought completely
by the activity of focusing attention on the emptiness or empty silence
between thoughts.
Many religious and mystical traditions, including many schools of
Buddhism, teach that it is this capacity to rest in the emptiness between
thought that ultimately reveals the very nature of reality, and the reality of
who we truly are.

#buddhism #neuroscience #awakening #buddha #spirituality

Script: Matt Mackane

Edit: Medo

Voiceover: Andrea Giordani

Music: Epidemic Music x Original

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Copyright © 2022 Asangoham. All rights reserved.
Рекомендации по теме

As a practicing Buddhist - I want to remind others that Buddhism is simply a path like any other. There are many ways to enlightenment. Don’t forget that 💙


I love being a Buddhist. My meditation practice, my Buddha statue, my incense and following the eightfold path are the most important things in my life. Buddhism is when science and empirical facts meet wisdom and spirituality. All the supernatural and magic and mystery mean nothing to me. Buddhism is for me proven truth and refinement of the mind, thoughts and one's own behavior


Buddhist meditation helps me recover from post-partum depression. I spent 18 months in the dark and wasn't able to recognize my baby. Several suicide attempts and even tried to kill my baby as well. Life becomes easier when I started feel the benefits of meditation.


If you are reading this, your light is much needed in this world and I hope you know you are special and capable of amazing things. Wish you lots of love, health and success ❤


Mindfulness or being in the present moment is by far the best learning of this beautiful philosophy, which improves self-awareness and creates immense compassion within you. I am forever grateful 🙏


One of my favourite subjects. Would love to see the science of psychedelics as well. Thank you 🙏❤


Absolutely true! All followers of Sanatana Dharma and practicing yogis and yoginis regardless of school; Kriya, Karma, Bhakti, etc know this is the truth!


Buddhism offers very useful and practical insight and wisdom that can be immediately used and greatly enhance life experience ( often life changing ) for the only life we know we have for certain


Buddhas teaching saved me from ending my life. It gave me courage to live. It taught me how important is Love, compassion and kindness


What a beautiful 20 minutes! Everything said tally with my understanding and so glad to see that my understanding is not isolated and it is becoming main stream.


Brilliant video! Beautifully unifying neuroscience and Buddhism. Great illustrations and knowledge. Thank You!!


Reality = That which is/That I am = Being aware of being aware.

Freedom is a Way of Being. Being aware of being aware is unmodulated by the 5 senses, thus unfettered, which is the resonant inner state frequency closest in alignment with the frequency of the all-inclusive Absolute, where all things are possible (Wisdom and Understanding).

What appears as separate and opposite, is in Reality - Continuum.


What a great video! Comprehensive, thorough, captivating, extremely helpful. The list of books for further study at the end it’s so appreciate it. Much gratitude.❣️🌹


Budhism and science, a great combination


I wish this video gets 100 million views.


As a Christian, I always grew up with a sort of exaggerated description of what Buddhists believe. I developed a love for Japan, and along with it, Zen Buddhism, which I've studied on and off but only recently read Alan Watts's 'Way of Zen' - again, being Christian, there are takeaways from Buddhism I'll disagree with at the end of the day, but I deeply admire Buddhism and Zen for their unique philosophies and interest in brain science and the nature of space-time, which don't have to arbitrarily conflict with other religious beliefs. Certain insights on the nature of past-present-future from 'The Way of Zen' left me positively electrified, like the closest I've ever come to grasping Buddhism's heart (yet I suppose even the 'grasping' itself isn't the way to Satori?).


HELLO Asangoham THANK YOU for yet another insightful and thought provoking video, this is simply one of the most underrated channels i've come across, my spiritual journey has greatly benefited because of the channel! Recently, i've begun to understand that years of meditation can develop very interesting brain waves that may lead to altered states of consciousness, particularly gamma, epsilon & lambda are some of the more intriguing waves discovered so far, can you please bless us with an in depth video on these brain waves? That would be awesome, THANK YOU for your service to humanity! 😁


'I won't cling to the eye; my consciousness will not be dependent on the eye.' That's how you should train yourself. 'I won't cling to the ear...nose...tongue...body; my consciousness will not be dependent on the body.'...'I won't cling to the intellect; my consciousness will not be dependent on the intellect.' 'I won't cling to sensations; my consciousness will not be dependent on tactile sensations.'...'I won't cling to ideas; my consciousness will not be dependent on ideas.' 'I won't cling to my consciousness will not be dependent on body-consciousness.'...'I won't cling to intellect-consciousness; my consciousness will not be dependent on intellect-consciousness.' 'I won't cling to contact at the at the at the at the at the body; my consciousness will not be dependent on contact at the body.'...I won't cling to contact at the intellect; my consciousness will not be dependent on contact at the intellect.' 'I won't cling to feeling born of contact at the eye...feeling born of contact at the ear...feeling born of contact at the nose...feeling born of contact at the tongue...feeling born of contact at the body; my consciousness will not be dependent on feeling born of contact at the body.' ...'I won't cling to feeling born of contact at the intellect; my consciousness will not be dependent on feeling born of contact at the intellect.' 'I won't cling to the earth property...liquid property...wind property; my consciousness will not be dependent on the space property.'... I won't cling to the consciousness property; my consciousness will not be dependent on the consciousness property.' 'I won't cling to my consciousness will not be dependent on thought-fabrications.'...I won't cling to consciousness; my consciousness will not be dependent on consciousness.' 'I won't cling to the dimension of the infinitude of space...the dimension of the infinitude of consciousness...the dimension of nothingness; my consciousness will not be dependent on the dimension of nothingness.'...'I won't cling to the sphere of neither perception nor non-perception; my consciousness will not be dependent on the sphere of neither perception nor non-perception.' 'I won't cling to this world; my consciousness will not be dependent on this world...I won't cling to the world beyond; my consciousness will not be dependent on the world beyond.' 'I won't cling to what is seen, heard, sensed, cognized, attained, sought after, pondered by the intellect; my consciousness will not be dependent on that.' That's how you should train yourself." MN 143


The day you posted this video is actually my birthday and I take it as the best present so far :) Thank you!


This video has been the most important turning point of my life
