Publication Strategy | How to publish more than 10 articles during your PhD? | A/Prof Vidy Potdar

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In this video, I shared Publication Strategy and if you follow this strategy you can easily publish more than 10 articles during your Ph.D.
Personally, I published more than 20 articles during my Ph.D. and my students have published even more. See publishing is an art and you can learn it fairly easily if you have the right guidance and the right advice at the right time. If you are starting your Ph.D. now and you're listening to this video, you're probably at the best point in time to start actioning what I'm suggesting here.

My name is Vidy Potdar, I am Associate Professor from Australia. On this channel, I make videos for Ph.D. scholars, post-docs, and early career researchers as I want you to be successful researchers

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I heared your vids recentrly and am glad to announce that I hv got an offer from monash university. I really want to say thank you sir! your vids were really helpful


Hello Sir, couldn't find the link to the Publication Strategy Document in the description?


Could you please tell what should be the strategy to publish a paper in IEEE transaction on Information Theory as it takes more than a year to publish?


Hi, I don’t see the link for the publishing strategy template. Also, do all literature reviews need to be systematic?


Thank you Prof it really helps me of getting familiar with the strategy. May I ask if you can publish any kind of articles before your PhD degree? To build my own reputation before I apply for one. Thank you


Thanks Sir
Can you guide us that how can we publish a paper on comparative analysis of multiple methods for an experiment demonstrated/ published by other researchers ?
