20 Golden Rules for MAKING MONEY | The Art of Money Getting by P. T. Barnum

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Follow the advice and you will achieve wealth.

P. T. Barnum took promoting and showmanship to another level. He went into the circus business at the age of 60 and built a fortune, transporting his circus via the railroad on his own train. He wrote a book called "The Art of Money Getting: Golden Rules for Making Money" highlighting how to make (and more importantly keep) money. What's remarkable is that this advice has stood the test of time and many current millionaires and billionaires from the present day have utilised the strategies Barnum discusses. If you would like to learn more about the people I've discussed in the examples in my videos, there are links to various videos with more information down below.

0:59 1. Don’t Mistake Your Vocation
Example: Charles Darwin

1:29 2. Select The Right Location
Example: Ben Silbermann (Pinterest)

2:14 3. Avoid Debt
Example: Walt Disney

3:04 4. Persevere
Example: Benjamin Franklin

3:56 5. Whatever You Do, Do It With All Your Might
Example: Derek Sivers

4:32 6. Depend Upon Your Own Personal Exertions
Example: Colonel Sanders (KFC)

5:29 7. Use The Best Tools
Example: Eric Schmidt (Google)

6:18 8. Don’t Get Above Your Business
Example: Sam Walton (Walmart)

7:05 9. Learn Something Useful
Example: Henry Ford

7:52 10. Let Hope Predominate, But Be Not Too Visionary
Example: Greg McKeown (Essentialism)

8:44 11. Do Not Scatter Your Powers
Example: Warren Buffett
Video: Coming Soon!

9:42 12. Be Systematic
Example: Ray Kroc (McDonalds)

10:25 13. Read The Newspapers
Example: Elon Musk

11:08 14. Beware Of “Outside Operations”
Example: Felix Dennis

11:57 15. Don’t Indorse Without Security
Example: Theo Paphitis

12:32 16. Advertise Your Business
Example: Arnold Schwarzenegger

13:21 17. Be Polite And Kind To Your Customers
Example: Bo Peabody (Tripod)

14:06 18. Be Charitable
Example: Richard Branson

14:46 19. Don’t Blab
Example: Peter Thiel

15:37 20. Preserve Your Integrity
Example: Peter Drucker

I would like to thank YOU for watching -- Adam
Рекомендации по теме

- there should be a demand
- Avoid debt
- Persevere
- Put all your force in it
- see your business better than everyone else
- have the best tools possible (employee considered inside)
- learn things useful
- Hope but don’t be delusional
- Create systems in your companies
- Read the newspapers
- Be careful about Outside Operations ( like luxuries and others)
- don’t indorse without security don’t invest money you are not ready to lose
- advertise your business
- Be polite and kind to your customers
- Be charitable
- Don’t tell your secrets
- keep integrity


Hi everyone - this is a longer video for you. Firstly, I'd like to alert you to the fact that I've added timestamps and more details on each of the examples I've used in the video. Hope it helps some of you that like to skip to the bits that are relevant.

I find it fascinating that despite P. T. Barnum writing this book back in 1880, a lot of very successful people today are still using the advice he discusses in it. He was even ahead of his time with his clickbait-style book title - "The Art of Money Getting: Golden Rules for Making Money".

Let me know if you prefer the longer video format. They take a lot more time so I don't want to waste my time if you don't like them. Cheers!


0:00:00 - P.T. Barnum and The Art of Money-Getting
0:00:19 - Lessons from P.T. Barnum
0:04:09 - Importance of Execution
0:05:30 - Use the Best Tools
0:06:37 - Stick to What You Know
0:08:07 - Focus on Essential Goals
0:09:42 - Be Systematic


I am new to your work and so impressed. I enjoyed every moment of it. I will continue to follow. Thank you


@14:59 and, yet, P.T. Barnum wrote an entire book breaking that rule 🤣


Keep it up, and you will gain the followers. Your video's have greater substance and less fluff than currently more popular channels.


I love your videos and I love your channel, but I noticed you don't give verbal cues when enumerating your topics and ideas. To people like me who listen to your content while working, it would be helpful. Anyway, great job. Keep producing quality content, my friend. Cheers!


Great video with lots of valuable principles. Thanks for sharing 😀👍


Another outstanding video, thanks so much for your detailed and professional approach to making your videos


Your channel is amazing! :D

Thank you for helping.


Very educative and helpful video - thank u


Be charitable because of pleasure ? wtf !


He sold magazines at 7-8 years old..
It helped him learn the value of money

I’m looking at my 7, about to be 8 year old, right now and there’s no way he’d be able to do that without the help of an adult. He was just shown a couple months ago that 4 quarters equal $1 lol


Ok, i saw the video... but where is the money???


I don't know why this channel is so unknown, but to me I find it priceless.


The single most clickbaity yet most accurate and informative video ive ever seen.... Well played good sir well played
