How to Create #Code39 Barcodes in #CrystalReports using Fonts and the Font Formula
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This tutorial describes how to create #Code39Barcodes in Crystal reports using barcode fonts and the IDAutomation #CrystalFontFormula.
IDAutomation's #FontEncoderFormulas for Crystal Reports are saved as part of the report file (.rpt) and do not have any external dependencies (with the exception of the required barcode font).
Easily create barcodes in Crystal Reports using fonts without installing UFLs or DLLs.
Embeds the font encoder as a formula that is part of the .rpt report file.
The encoder stays embedded in the report when it is distributed.
Compatible with Crystal 8 and up.
Code 39 Fonts:
IDAutomation's #FontEncoderFormulas for Crystal Reports are saved as part of the report file (.rpt) and do not have any external dependencies (with the exception of the required barcode font).
Easily create barcodes in Crystal Reports using fonts without installing UFLs or DLLs.
Embeds the font encoder as a formula that is part of the .rpt report file.
The encoder stays embedded in the report when it is distributed.
Compatible with Crystal 8 and up.
Code 39 Fonts: