Dr. Sahar Joakim, What is the difference: Theism and Deism?

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I really appreciate your breakdown of Theism vs Deism. I only just learned of the term Deism a while ago and had already watched your previous video on it, and I love your new format. It's so much more engaging! :) I lean more towards the Deistic point of view, and would love some more content on the subject

I think a cool thing to possibly include in your videos (or maybe a video series) is what certain authors or books we could to read to get more knowledge beyond that particular video. Like I'd love some recommendations on what to read that explores the concept of deism in more depth


Thanks for telling more people about deism. I think it could use more advertising, because it's an interesting concept to consider. I find it pretty useful to use in many discussions about God because it simplifies the concept of a god/God down to its most basic components and makes such discussions a lot more focused in many ways. Conversations won't get sidetracked due to talk about evidence for religion-based historical events, for example. You can just focus purely on issues related to a much simpler core of the concept of a creator deity.

I agree with someone else who liked the new format as well. This writing on the screen stuff is nice. I had no problems with the notecard system...but this looks spiffier.


So that’s begs the question what would be called a believe that tics the first and the second box but not the third?


Deism is not a religion. The Cause( (Creator God) is like a programmer, not like a player. Another example is a clockmaker, who sets up a clock that runs on itself. The cause does reserve the right and can interfere though. Deist identifies the Cause with logic. The Cause does not take sides with revelations etc The cause sets up the natural laws just like the programmer sets the rules for the game he programmes. Rest happens by itself in compliance with the rules or natural laws.


I'm neither a philosopher nor a mathematician, so maybe I'm wrong, but I don't think Deism is actually a religious belief. In fact, I believe that Atheism is a religious belief.

Deism is coherent with Gödel's Theorems of Incompleteness. Even though these theories are not meant to be applied outside of Mathematics, I think that a scientific explanation of who created everything is necessarily a mathematical theory. Mathematics is the system used by science to prove things, so it is inherently restricted by Gödel's Theorems of Incompleteness and thus requires an external element to be explained. This external element could be a God or something else. Atheism, on the other hand, is based on faith and the belief that God doesn't exist, even if science can't yet prove it.


2:11 Except for the fact that theism is not really synonymous with those abrahamic religions.

4:33 Wrong. Theism by itself is not really based on holy scriptures, because it's not really a religion to begin with. So i'm guessing that you're conflating theism with those abrahamic religions.
