How To Share Your Testimony In 3 Steps // with Beth Davis

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Ever wondered how to share your story or testimony but don't know where to begin? We break it down into three easy steps for you!

Your story matters, sister. Share your story. We want to hear it.

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Watching this made me cry I'm getting baptized tomorrow and I'm struggling writing my testimony and watching this helped me thank you so much


“Your story matters. Somebody needs to hear your story. “


Thank you very much, Beth. I am a Christian, but I am not yet being baptized.❤


To God be the Glory FOREVER ! Praise Your NAME LORD JESUS CHRIST 🩷🙌🏽🩸 Nothing but The Blood of Jesus ! 🩷🙌🏽🩸


On my way this evening to share my testimony to some ladies in a substance abuse re overly center and I got what I need to hear from you “all stories matter” (lol you did say stories, didn’t you? Gonna listen again. 😊


Thank you Lord for moving mountains in my Life, all I had to do is SURRENDER ALL TO HIM ! 🩷🙌🏽🙏🩸


May God bless you, I’m having to share my testimony today and this gave me so much encouragement. Thank you 🤍


Thank you❤ God bless you❤.... For bringing up to words for which we're struggling ! It helped me✨.... As am going to study📚✏ for diploma in theology in bible course .. They asked me to write my testimony! What i has in mind you just put them in word's❤


Thank you so much for your words. I just shared my testimony and I feel relief after that. I don't think that My story was not so great but I shared thanks to you that gave me confidence.


I recently asked God to save me. I'm trying to tell people my testimony.


Iam also going to sahre my testimony today.


I want to write my testimony, but I really dont know how to order my head. I feel like im rambling sometimes and dont really know how to share it with my target public (half very passionate christians and half non believers) should i quote the bible? Should i sound less religious-y? Is it going to make people roll back their eyes and say oh another dude tellibg me how God loves me? Yeah i didnt hear that one before. And i also fear of being too descriptive of my past life not because i fear peopkes judgement, but because its kinda very important to descrive what I did in order to make sense of what God did for me. I guesd what im asking is, could you go into more detail?


Idk I'm still kinda scared to share
