Top 10 STEM Degrees (Best Common STEM Majors)

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Best STEM Majors And Degrees

Another highly requested video for all of you, this one is going to be all about the best STEM Majors and STEM Degrees out there.


A common type of comment that I see all the time is: "Your videos about college degrees are a waste of time, just choose a STEM degree and you're good"

I understand where these comments are coming from, STEM degrees ON AVERAGE are much better than all other types of degrees when it comes to the stats.

But when you dig a little deeper you will find that there are HUGE differences in many of the common college degrees that are chosen by people that are interested in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics.

In this video I will go over some of the most common STEM degrees and rank the top 10 from my research.

Keep in mind, there may be less well known majors in STEM that are better than some of these, but I chose the ones that are common...

You'll notice that there are many similarities here with the degrees that you can take away from this and they will help you make a better decision

Hopefully this will help you when it comes to your college decisions such as which university you go to and which degree you choose

As always, make sure to do your own research before making such a big decision

-I chose to exclude health degrees from this list and make a seperate video for them
-These are 4 year bachelor level degrees, there are some majors that are great for 2 year associate level degrees, I'm making a seperate video for those
-Something something in the month of May



P.S. It's nice to not have a potato for a camera anymore

Update edit: I forgot to say: I didn't include health degrees on this list because many of them take different amounts of time and so it's like comparing apples to oranges. I'm making a separate video for health degrees.

These videos are for entertainment purposes only and they are just Shane's opinion based off of his own life experience and the research that he's done. Shane is not an attorney, CPA, insurance, or financial advisor and the information presented shall not be construed as tax, legal, insurance, safety or financial advice. If stocks or companies are mentioned, Shane might have an ownership interest in them. Affiliate links may be present, the offers and numbers presented may change over time so please make sure to confirm that the offer is still valid. Some offers mentioned may no longer be available or they have been changed. Please don’t make buying or selling decisions based on Shane’s videos. If you need such advice, please contact the qualified legal or financial professionals, don't just trust the opinion of a stranger on the internet and always make sure to do your own research and enjoy this family friendly content.

Sources and further readings:
payscale(provides information on jobs and degrees)
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Recommended Resources:
SoFi - Student Loan Refinance

-Check your rates in two minutes
-No impact to your credit score
-No origination fees, no late fees, and no insufficient fund fees. Zero fees. Period.

College Ave - Student Loan Origination

-Rates as low as 3.74% APR
-Apply in 3 minutes
-No application fees
-Choose your repayment terms

FirstCard - Student Credit Builder

-Earn up to 15% cashback at selected merchants
-Get up to 4.00% APY
-0% APR (They do not provide a credit line. What you deposit is what you can spend.)

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Got a degree in mechanical engineering. Found a high paying job in my home state. 20 min drive from my place. I get to travel, go to trade shows, manufacturing sites, and have amazing benefits.


CS majors watching the video: Just wait for it...


My father's degrees way up to PhD is in chemistry, and he said he picked chemistry randomly without knowing what to expect. He became an environmental scientist at a multinational mining company and was paid very well, such that I didn't believe it when people tell me that environmental science doesn't pay. And my maternal grandfather was a physicist who did some awesome research on clean energy.


Can confirm Math with Quantitative specialization and working as a Data Scientist. 6 figures 3 years out of college.


Finally got my requested video. Shane, ur awesome! U listen to what ur subs like to watch. Big respect to u bro! Keep it up


Do all the computer careers. IT/Computer Engineering/Computer Science


Here ye:
Coding programming
Computer science
Actuarial science


You should make a video about which degrees create the most broken like buttons. Great video!


I just noticed a more HD output, better video quality as a whole. Nicely done Shane!


You should make a video on types of tech careers! like machine learning engineer, software engineer, cyber security analyst, IT, data analyst, etc!


Computer Science Student here👋. Back then, I was choosing between Biology and CS. I was interested to both degrees and it was difficult to choose between this two. In the end, I picked CS, but I'm still not sure if it's really the right path for me. But because of this video, I was enlightened and motivated to continue computer science.
Thank you ❤


I'm from Singapore, 16 years old, and I'm about to do my N Levels(National exam in Singapore). Due to your meaningful advises and valuable information you gave in your videos, I managed to filter out the courses that I want to take for ITE/Polytechnic and for University already. The courses are Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Mechatronics or Aerospace Engineering. Even though your videos are catered for the American system, you still manage to make an impact on my life choices by giving me more realistic and truthful information which made me more decisive. I'm glad I found this channel beforehand! <3 :>>


Thanks for the video bro I have been planning to shift my bachelor's electrical engineering degree to do major in information technology management this video give me extra level of confidence about my decision.
Great video love it!!


As a student in actuarial science, I’m happy to see my major in a good position!


Thanks for replying to my comments I love the straight forward information. All my respect is yours.


I wish I knew what to do, I’m so bad at math. I don’t know if college is right for me. I’ve looked at some of the trades and I couldn’t find one that’s interested me.


When Dwayne's pic popped up I just died, Gotta admire Shane's humor 🤣🤣🤣


Hey Shane. I would really appreciate it if you did a video for international students concerning college(examples; application and financial aid). I live in the Caribbean and in my country, there isn't many scholarship programs. The government offers scholarships for excellent performing students but after you finish college you must work for the government for 5-7 years which I think takes away much of the benefit of going away to study since after 5-7 years you will most likely get settled and stuck in some situation. I watched the videos on getting free money for college but it seems like most scholarships are for students living in that country. Any help will be greatly appreciated, thanks for all the information Shane you've inspired me to try a lot harder


#1 Computer Science, no surprise there, it´s almost always the top of the list for most of your vids.
