Gta V Fivem esx Money Wash

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[ESX] MoneyWash
If you need FiveM Gameserver with one click installation check this:
Wenn ihr ein Gameserver mit schneller FiveM Installation braucht, könnt hier reinschauen:
Washes dirty money instantly
Ability to set multiple washing locations
Ability to change tax rate to give more or less clean money
Easy to setup, add more locations, and change tax rate
Already made to support different languages if you wanted to add to the locales
Option to enable/disable time for washing money.
Ability to set how long it will take to wash money
NEW: Ability to set individual locations to only be used by certain jobs,
2. Insert esx_moneywash into your /resources/[ESX] folder
3. Restart/Start your server
you need this resource to get it work:
['Money Wash'] = {
['Job'] = 'none',
['Enter'] = {
['x'] = 632.65,
['y'] = -3014.78,
['z'] = 7.34,
['Information'] = '[E] Go In'
['Exit'] = {
['x'] = 1137.93,
['y'] = -3198.26,
['z'] = -39.67,
['Information'] = '[E] Go Out'
1. You can change how much cash you get after wash per default set to 65%
2. You can add additional money wash locations
If you need FiveM Gameserver with one click installation check this:
Wenn ihr ein Gameserver mit schneller FiveM Installation braucht, könnt hier reinschauen:
Washes dirty money instantly
Ability to set multiple washing locations
Ability to change tax rate to give more or less clean money
Easy to setup, add more locations, and change tax rate
Already made to support different languages if you wanted to add to the locales
Option to enable/disable time for washing money.
Ability to set how long it will take to wash money
NEW: Ability to set individual locations to only be used by certain jobs,
2. Insert esx_moneywash into your /resources/[ESX] folder
3. Restart/Start your server
you need this resource to get it work:
['Money Wash'] = {
['Job'] = 'none',
['Enter'] = {
['x'] = 632.65,
['y'] = -3014.78,
['z'] = 7.34,
['Information'] = '[E] Go In'
['Exit'] = {
['x'] = 1137.93,
['y'] = -3198.26,
['z'] = -39.67,
['Information'] = '[E] Go Out'
1. You can change how much cash you get after wash per default set to 65%
2. You can add additional money wash locations