Lawyer & Body Language Analyst REACT to Dr. Sally Smith in 'Take Care of Maya' Trial

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Dr. Sally Smith was called as a witness by the Defendant, Johns Hopkins All Children's Hospital, several days after the Plaintiff's had presented her testimony by deposition designations. This is a unique opportunity to see the same witness testify under oath in two formats, separated by months, in the same trial. Join Spidey from @TheBehavioralArts and I as we look at some important pieces of Dr. Smith's testimony in this $220 million lawsuit!

Kowalski v. Johns Hopkins All Children's Hospital - the underlying facts of this case were the subject of the Netflix documentary, "Take Care of Maya" and involve treatment of Maya Kowalski beginning in 2016 by Johns Hopkins All Children's Medical Center (Florida) in 2016. Opening statements began on September 21, 2023, and we've moved into the Defendant's case-in-chief. Join as we recap some of the important aspects of today's proceedings.




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Sally Smith appears to me to be well suited to work in a prison setting, NOT a children’s hospital.


Dr. Sally Smith is exactly how I would describe a villain. Villains, real antagonists, don’t know they’re villains; they’re misguided by their internal values that lead her to cause suffering. (In this case it seems, with cold impunity). We won’t ever know what her internal monologue is outside of the context of a trial, but judging by her evasive answers, it seems plausible that she doesn’t take ownership over her role in this horror.


Unfortunately, there are more doctors like Sally Smith than people realize. They are arrogant and refuse to acknowledge if they ever make an error. There is an analysis in the BMJ in 2016 titled Medical error-the third leading cause of death in the US. Doctors like Sally Smith who are arrogant, refuse to admit that they ever make an error, and refuse to learn from their errors are extremely dangerous to all patients.

I am the victim of blatant medical malpractice committed by an ER doctor who was arrogant like Sally Smith. I advocated for the diagnostic test and referral that I needed. Like Maya, I was falsely accused of yelling & screaming. I did not, but I did strongly advocate for the emergency medical care I needed. The doctor denied me emergency medical care and I was correct in what I needed.

Due to the denial of emergency medical care, I am catastrophically & permanently disabled. The doctor responsible lied in his deposition. He will never admit his error that destroyed my life. He will likely harm other patients in the future due to his arrogance & refusal to learn from his errors when denying me emergency medical care. These doctors need to be held accountable for their errors.

I am grateful to Maya for having the courage to bring this case to trial. I hope that she gets the justice that most harmed patients are denied.


This is the end product when a hospital creates a role that is incentivised to find abuse everywhere they look and has zero oversight and even less accountability.
The wreckage this woman has wrought has never been placed in front of her and been made to justify her actions.
In her mind she viewed Maya's mother as an abuser.
Nothing more, nothing less.
Maya's mother dared to push back against her and as she'd grown accustomed to her word being the word of God on the matter, went WAY outside the scope of her perceived power in an almost vindictive determination to "get" her no matter the cost.
Now that there have been real and tragic consequences to the actions that SHE took, her indignant and callous nature is disgustingly on display with her every word on the subject.
Most terrifying to me is that even with the family she devastated sat in front of her, she still believes she was right to do what she did and is even annoyed at the idea that she has to account for her methodology to those she sees as "beneath" her.


OMG, the video surveillance part was painful. 59:17
Attorney: "And what did you find with the video surveillance?"
Sally Smith, basically: "There were... numerous things that occurred that day. What I can speak to is that I'd planned to have lunch out. My role at restaurants is generally limited to the scope of a dining room guest. After investigating the menu, I selected a sirloin. From my standpoint, as a self-identified carnivorous connoisseur and subject matter expert, it was cooked too rare. My dining companions also evaluated the steak and numerous comparable observations were documented. The person to my left concurred, as did the person sitting across from me, as well as the guests dining at an adjacent table. Using our combined years of experience and advanced background knowledge of eating... that provided... [world's longest pause]... concrete evidence in support of the observations made by numerous others in various capacities at the establishment. However, since my time is superior and by extension far more valuable than anyone else's, I did not bother to send back the meal to open myself to a second disappointment. Instead, I drove back to the hospital, stopping at two red lights and waiting for a train to pass. I parked in Garage B between a blue Honda and a gray Toyota. Upon entry to the building, I visited the restroom. I investigated my teeth and discovered elements of parsley that needed to be addressed in context before I could interface with the numerous staff regarding any alleged video of the child in question."
Attorney: "Ma'am... did you view the video surveillance?"
Sally Smith, basically: "I said what I said. I don't recall if I viewed it or not. It was numerous years ago, and I'm an extremely busy medical child abuse instigator with numerous families to destroy, so the situation you're describing isn't exactly relevant or memorable."


The scariest part is that ss is PROUD of her actions


This woman is evil to the core... she should never be allowed near children. How she still has a job in medical care is horrifying!!!


What stood out to me was the drastic change in her appearance. In her depo’s her hair is always pulled back, giving her a more severe look. She wore it down for her live testimony, giving her a softer look, but her facial expression remained scowling much of the time. She seemed to put effort into smiling more during live testimony.


I rewatched this stream this morning. I believe there is a reason this doctor wasn’t in direct patient care. She is not meant for it. The problem is, she ended up in a position with too much power without being checked.


I've been an RN for decades. much of this is shady at best and outright illegal at worst.
KNOWING she settled out, BEFORE the court testimony, just makes her lies and obfuscation that much more DEEPLY dishonest and malicious.
It was explained to her at some point, very clearly, that she needed to settle out or she was going to LOSE BADLY. Someone, likely her lawyer, explained to her exactly what she did that was wholly illegal- and she KNEW that, she just thought THEY wouldn't or that she could put on her "expert" hat and talk around them and get out of it. She was told in no uncertain terms to take the deal.
Now she's sitting in court trying to play the same games- AFTER she was busted. Its insulting and she's NOT good at it.
She will likely, HOPEFULLY, lose her career in patient care and end up in education where people might not know her history.
I wish I could say this is rare, but it's not. And if you don't have experience and strong discernment, you're at these people's mercy. Even so, you're in such a subordinate and subjugate position, there's little hope of fighting against them.
God bless Maya and her family for exposing this corruption!
2:09:15 Yes Rob, she SHOULD lose her license for this. Maybe even register for the rest of her life.
I suspect that is exactly why she settled: to keep her credentials.


This terrifies me for all of the families that could have been affected by her wrongful doing. How many parents have lost their children/children that have been taken away from their parents. What can we do as citizens to make sure things like this don’t happen? I’m sure she is not the only person of her power doing this.


I love the fact the jury can ask questions


I have no idea how some people can sleep at night, after what they did to the Kawolski Family, to say the least.


Anderson said it best... your not an investigator your a prosecutor!!! Its that simple


If Maya was prescribed too much Ketamine then the courts should have passed legislation to prevent physicians from prescribing such large doses to all children without a special licence to do so. The family should not have been punished for following legitimate treatment .


Zero business being around children. I get why spidey said what he did but I am soooo with Rob! And I can’t stop having the exact same thought! He is percent correct! Imagine how uncomfortable a child would feel near her. My kids wouldn’t in a million years let this person near them.
And I would never ever ever pay for this woman’s services or professional opinion when it comes to my kids. Just nope- zero chance. Instinct is important and without her even opening her mouth I would be like “nope” and be outta there!


Thank you both! Ferocious Fighters is a non profit organization started years ago by a young boy living with CRPS who didn’t want other kids living with CRPS to ever felt alone. Ferocious Fighters has now reached families all over the world (including my family - daughter w/CRPS). Beata was a member of this group, and Maya was provided Ferocious Fighters care packages years ago. The Mother of the founder of Ferocious Fighters who runs the organization with her son, testified early in this trial. I cannot see a more fitting organization to support!!!


After attending a funeral yesterday and receiving news of another death today, this 3 hour collaboration is the distraction I needed to mentally check out from my own stress. You both are a delight to hang out with. Thank you so much for this collaboration.


This woman has the heart of a serial killer. Zero regrets. Evil as hell.


Dr. Smith should have to answer personally for what she has done to too many. She should lose her license so she will never hurt anyone else.
