Armchair Architects: Hybrid and Multi-Cloud Architectures: An Introduction

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• Microsoft Cloud Adoption Framework for Azure - Cloud Adoption Framework
• Microsoft Azure Well-Architected Framework - Azure Architecture Center

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0:00 Introduction
1:03 What is the difference between hybrid-cloud and multi-cloud?
1:18 Uli thinks about them more in terms of multi-environments
3:30 Eric adds that the lines between hybrid and multi are blurring as components may live in multiple locations
4:23 App design is not static and needs to make use of vertical scaling
6:05 Customers don't want to be beholden to one provider, which presents many challenges and potential costs
7:05 Clients in regulated industries need to be able to extract themselves from systemic dependencies
8:02 How would Uli architect a brand-new application to extract it from a dependency
10:03 As architects, is there anything we can do to improve the operational context?

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