GTA 5 - Prison break heist demolition role

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Final part of heist demolition role

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Always when I'm just in the helicopter... Someone dies


literally as soon as I blew the bus up somebody’s died.


I know this comment is late but I'll submit it anyway for players who haven't done this yet. This is a quick guide for the demolitionist (my favorite and most played role). Everything is obvious until you get in the buzzard. After that, your objective may be to protect the Velum but the pilot should be able to take care of it on their own. So just ignore your objective and help your prison team instead. They face a lot of enemies and have a great chance of getting killed if they're hasty. Use your auto-aiming missiles to kill the cops inside the prison but DO NOT fly over the prison or the anti-aircraft artillery will shoot you down and you'll fail the mission. Once they're out, the cops will chase them with helicopters and cars. Shoot what you can while following the prison team. The pilot and the prison team will rendezvous at the sandy shores airfield. You must protect everyone as they board the plane. Once they're in the air, you'll just need to fly to the waypoint while avoiding the cops. When your teammates arrive to the waypoint, Rashkovsky will take control of the plane and your team will jump off and land on the shore. You'll need to be there to pick them up and fly them to the city. Mission complete!


The two prison guys were so bad they told me to use the buzzard for the prison, i quit instantly.


I don't know why but I find this role the hardest


I never played demolition before. I skimmed this video on the go and was able to pull it off on the first try. Thanks.


I was the pilot, and the demo decided to steal the plane, so I came here to double check on his job.


Bruh we were so close but my dumbass had to crash the buzzard at the end 😭


I just finished the heist I shot down a lot of jets


The only way I failed this was that damn bus flipped on its own as I killed the driver..never seen that happen before 🙁


I remember playing that role and everything was fine until one of the crew landed with parachute on the helicopter's blade and died then the crew mates started insulting me and kicked me out


Once the Buzzard glitched out and the rotors stopped spinning after the cutscene and it fell into the ocean. At least the host was super chill.


I did this heist yesterday a thousand times, I was the Velum Pilot because not a single human being in this game has the capability to dodge the missiles the jet keeps shooting at you, then I got the Velum and went to Sandy Shores Airfield and after the jet started chasing me, it would still take the demolition guy 50 minutes just to get the buzzard, I was wondering what was so complicated, but I just realized they just were stupid.


I live in a place called Bolingbrook. I had to see if the bus said the same thing for everyone.


I did it with my fiends and we had a glitch where we lost the cops at the end of the heist, and there was no cut scene that showed them jumping out. Now we can try it again.


Despite this mission is one of the hardests in GTA Online, the demolition role is the easiest, the most useless thing in GTA Online probably. Because it is BEST not to shoot the jets. The Velum pilot should just go behind the first jet and keep following it till the end and he will be safe. If you shoot one jet, another will come and you have to do moves to go behind it again which has no use but risk. So what demolitioner should do is NOTHING BUT WAIT till the pickup point at the beach.


I hate when you wanna get into the plane at the end of the mission as prisoner and you press triangle (on ps4) and it automaticaly walks through the rotar blades of the plane and kills itself. Like wtf so unfair


what is the keybind to lock the missiles on the helicopter to objects


my heist mates were so eager to win this heist in one try that they took long enough time in which i shot down atleast 25 jets and eventually after this, pilot left or his game crashed ....mind it - not his plane XD


Because the jets keep re-spawning, is it best to shoot them down or just tell the Velum pilot to fly in circles and evade the jet? Once the ground team escapes from the prison, the jet that's chasing the Velum will just disappear. I just played this heist and shot down 3 jets, but the 4th one got through and shot down the Velum. Sigh.
