'IN YOUR ARMS' by Ashley Serena & Ryan Louder • Emotional Vocal Orchestral

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🎧 Video Details:

Title: In Your Arms
Artist: Ashley Serena & Ryan Louder
Vocals: Ashley Serena

📸 Image Artist: WLOP

© Copyright Info

✔ Be aware all music and pictures belongs to the original artists.
✔ This video was given a special license directly from the artists.
✖ I am in no position to give anyone permission to use this

.➝ Please ask the artists and NOT me for permission !!!

🔔 Relevant hashtags:
#EmotionalVocal #OrchestralVocal #SadVocalMusic
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Thank you all for your lovely comments! I love reading what this song makes everybody feel and imagine. ♥


A song about a princess and her knight was never written better.


I saw this as a fallen angel, the blood on her back as wounds of her wings being torn off as she plummets down from heaven. A dark knight then finds her in the devil’s den, where she didn’t belong. He was once tamed, chained and bound, restricted to his dark purpose but seeing her gave him a new purpose, a new will. He lifts her up and grabs his sword, rising from his slumber, his chains dragging behind him. Because he’s now got a new quest, and she clings to him, to hell’s warmth that was radiating off him for she was once so cold up in heaven.
“Till’ death do us part.” He whispered.

(The right things can make even a fool poetic :} )


Wind howls in my hair The world stops when you come this near
Starlight on your skin The sky sways as you pull me in //
And I... I wanna swim in your ocean
I... wanna know how to love again //
Take me into your arms Sirens call How fast I fall
Beneath your waves No storm can take My eyes from you //
Crash down to my knees Their fears and hopes flood over me
Your hand finds my own And shows me that I'm not alone //
Now I... I'm diving deep in your ocean I... see the way to redemption //
Take me into your arms Sirens call How fast I fall
Beneath your waves No storm can take My eyes from you //


I like it when People in comment sections in these types of videos
Start writing poems or stories to fit well with this sort of music, hell I've done it before in another video.


“I can carry myself just fine, thank you.” Her legs shook from the pressure of standing up.
“With both wings ripped out?” He taunted, watching as she struggled to her feet, and with an exaggerated sigh, he dropped his sword by his side. He scooped her up, despite her protests, and carefully adjusted her so that her wounds wouldn’t be in harms way. Picking up his weapon he made way through the field of bodies.
“I can carry myself, you know.” Her head was rested on his shoulder, closing her eyes in shame.
“I know, ” He chuckled a little as he felt her relax against him, “But right now you need help.” Her facial features calmed down, but the traces of pain laced through her movements and shallow breathing.
“But why help me?” Her question rang in the quiet atmosphere, echoing around the two. The soldier didn’t have to think much before answering,
“Because you’ve helped me.”


"Why did you save me?" The quiet princess whispered, curling closer to her phantom savior. Her words were hardly heard above the wailing of the dead grabbing at them desperately. One of the rotting limbs snagged her torn trailing gown. Immediately the offending hand was sliced through by his curved blade.
"Don't get it wrong Princess, " he drawled, swinging at another of the corpses, "I'm doing this for myself. You're worth more to me than any bounty could ever paint you."
His words were cold but they made her remember. All the times they had camped in the deep woods, their battles where he fought for the sole purpose of keeping scars from her, and his cold words that twisted warmth from her despite it. Those memories also brought guilt as she felt the warm liquid slowly trail its way down her back. All his efforts to prevent her would be scars...she had basically given herself these and undone all his efforts over their months together. By letting the rioting people take her, she had given up.
"I'm sorry Ghost blade, " she wrapped her arms tighter around his neck, whispering in his ear as wet trails dripped down her face, "I won't leave you again."
His next swing faltered for the barest moment. It was the only sign he had acknowledged her words. In return he huffed, his own dark hand gripping her leg tighter, "Good. You're with me until you're dead Princess."
"Thank you."


“She was his dawn of bliss
He was her dusk of wounds,
Each day they came up to
See and touch
They couldn't stay for long
But they looked perfect together ”


Two lovers, from different worlds, are not meant to be. The entire universe, rains down pain, misfortune, and suffering upon them, attempting to tear them apart. Yet, they continue to cling to one another, defying the universe. Their bond is stronger than diamond and their love will not easily be broken, no matter how much they endure. They will continue to struggle. Over and over and over, until they find a place to live, and love, in peace.


“Life before death, strength before weakness, journey before destination. I will protect those who cannot protect themselves. I will protect even those I hate so long as it is right.” ❤️


Lying still, I think back to when she had first fallen. Even then, she was soft. At times, if I closed my eyes I could almost see a different life, a different circumstance in which I could have held her close like I did in that time. Wishful thinking from lifetimes ago....

She was barely conscious, feeble from the fall and pain of her missing wings. Her arms were draped across my shoulder and neck, and I tried not to show how it affected me. Even now, she was still as beautiful as the day we met. In contrast to my own appearance, at least. Charred skin that matched with blackened armor, hair that was brittle and coarse.

Looking back, I'm not even sure she knew who I was. Perhaps I was a chivalrous dark knight in her eyes, conjured from the depths of her despair to aid her in her time of need, rather than an old friend who was but a shadow of his former self. It would explain many things.

Throughout her flickering consciousness, I made it my priority to be very aware of her ever-changing state. Every few minutes, I found myself mentally going over a growing list. Her favorite dress was in tatters, yet her hair remained unmussed. Her hairpin marking her status remained pristine and glowing, to my great interest. One would think that it would've fallen apart soon after the loss of the wings, but I resolved to ask her only after she woke on her own. The already closed wounds on her back left no markings of her loss other than smearing of now red blood.

Her skin was cold as ice, and I desperately wished I had something to wrap her in. If my own armor could have retained heat, I would have given them up in a heartbeat, demons or no. Her face against mine, however, was burning with fever. I would have to amend that soon, else she succumb to sickness before she returned to safety.

Step after step, I tried to ignore the heavy chains that reminded me of my limits with every clank against the jagged path. How I resented these chains, if only for the reason that I could not assure her safety to completion. I could only get her as far away from here as the chains would allow before I had to let her go. Hopefully she would regain her bearings enough to be able to return without incident.

She did, and though she was flustered and a little wary (a little late, after blindly trusting me to carry you before, I remember thinking. Silly girl.) I gave her a drink from my canteen, and used the rest of my water to clean the blood off her back. We ( I ) decided that she was to continue to be carried by me due to her lack of both shoes and wings, and she reluctantly agreed.

We made it to the outskirts of the nearest village before I felt a sharp tug on my leg. The chain pulled taut, and my heart sank. This was the end. She fluttered and fretted around me, but eventually understood that there was nothing that could be done.

I gave her a bag of coins, told her who to find. Look for a man with forest green eyes and pewter skin, I told her. He can help you. She nodded and hummed, looking everywhere but my eyes. That was fine, it only made this easier. That's what I told myself.

I was wrong. It only made it worse, because had I looked closer I would have seen glossy eyes set to snap my resolve. I would have seen reservation giving way to determination, and known to back away. I would have known, and her arms around me would not have been such a surprise. Thin, yet holding on with a surety that reminded me of a girl in a sun hat on a beach far away. A sense of gratitude seemed to transfer straight from her heart to mine, and I felt my heartbeat stutter at the enormity of it. Even to me, a complete stranger, she could feel so strongly towards.

Suddenly my emotions surged, and my arms moved of their own accord, wrapping tightly around her. She stiffened, but soon relaxed, even rubbing circles into my back. I almost laughed, but it came out instead as a choked sob and I recoiled internally. I then quickly noticed my shaking shoulders and damp cheeks. I was mortified, but that was quickly pushed aside when she started to sing softly. I had never heard this particular song before, but just the chance to hear her sing again quieted my panicked heart. I willed myself to be still, taking deep and slow breaths in attempt to not disturb her. I was determined to drink in every single note, knowing I would never have the chance to hear her again.

When my breathing had fully calmed, she brought her song to a close. I was tempted to break into tears again, or feign distress, just to get her to continue. To have her stay. Sometimes I wonder what would've happened if I did. But I didn't. I couldn't. She had to go. Her place would never be with me. At least, not anymore. So I reluctantly pulled away, and tried not to be hurt at how quickly she dropped her arms. I'm fine, I told her. She didn't look like she believed me, but she didn't press it. She took a step back.

"Goodbye." She said.

"Goodbye." I said.

She turned around, and walked away. She took a few steps, and looked back. I met my eyes with hers this time, and I almost broke. I almost blurted everything out right there, anything to get her to remember me, acknowledge me. But I didn't. I couldn't.

So I smiled.

She smiled back.

And she turned around, and walked into town. I watched her disappear, and then walked away, beginning my journey back home.

I never saw her again.


It is not a fallen angel..
She choose to be on earth.between humans
She wanted to know..love..kids
She is the little girl of heaven


Princess Yan and Ghostblade!!!! A must-read! Reading ghost blade while listening to this song! Giving me goosebumps,


I haven't been able to hear these lyrics without thinking about Jesus. No storm can take my eyes from You ❤️


Both holding each other tightly, as if they were afraid of being torn apart. Wounds covered the warrior body, but he never once fell to his knees. Tears slowly rain down the women's face, falling onto the warrior body. It seems as if the tears themselves were healing the warrior's wounds. As he carried the princess away from her Kingdom, a kingdom she once loved.

*Sorry if there are any errors*


The image is from a web comic called Ghost Blade. The artists name is WLOP


For me, this shows, that not alaways the dark is the wrong. Sometimes, darkness is what saves you. Even a wicked person can act like a blessed and divine one.


To all those who are curious, the girl in the thumbnail is named Princess Yann, she's a silver-haired princess who, I believe should be a descendant of angels(Yes, the fanfictions below are accurate to a certain degree). The Novel is named Ghostblade, the person carrying her is well, named GhostBlade.The author of course is Wlop also.

I said should be because her adoptive father found her encased in a glass coffin of some sort.


"You are not a fallen one.
you are just coming home.... in my arms. "


ghost blade deserves to be made into a filme like evatar was made it would be the biggest movie ever if i was a rich id do it right now what a project this would be.
