Scary baboon is starting to die (this could be bad)

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In this video i went over reason on why i believe that scary baboon has fell off since there has been a lot of situations and controversy with the game around the time it blew up and i do believe that scary baboon is not dead and that it has a high chance of making a come back and I really enjoy playing scary baboon

1st clip from @Eggler-vr-gtag 2nd clip from. @BotBoi106 3rd from @ScaryBaboonOfficial

#gorillatag #vr #topic

# 0:00-0:29 Intro

# 0:30 - 0:54 Scary baboons rise to glory

# 0:55 - 1:52 Scary baboons shut down?

# 1:53 - 3:15 The worst Scary baboon update

# 3:16-4:11 Hackers invade Scary baboon

# 4:12 - 6:10 the update that broke the game

#6:14 - 6:38 In conclusion

# 6:39 - 6:46 Quick mentions

# 6:47- 7:02 Outro make sure to drop a sub
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I used to remember playing this game back in 2023 man the nostalgia came back to me the revamp made me mad so fcking mad- you should also do catos vr!


Scary baboon got “that update” giving everything back to people that lost it, and the keyboard works again


Thanks For The Mention! Hope scary baboon has a come back!


W video bro🔥 I used to play scary baboon a lot, and I stopped playing it after the revamp…it is fun and stuff, but it is really laggy and everything like that! Glad you made a video about it!🔥🔥


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I don't buy stuff on that game they all cost money but that's okay I can buy them if I want to but I don't I just want to enjoy the game but I really want the monster tracker but I fear that I will loose it
