Wonder (Spontaneous) - Amanda Cook | You Make Me Brave

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Bethel Music's collective of worship leaders aim to write and record songs that carry the culture of heaven and the heart of God. We exist to pursue the heart of God. Together, we express who God is and who we are in Him. We capture fresh expressions of worship in every season that resonates with worshipers around the world. Our dream, is that all the earth would worship God.

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Who's still listening in 2024? ❤❤❤


As I listen to this song I am reminded of how grateful I am for what Jesus did for me back in 2007. I was depressed, full of anxiety, and it was a chore to get out of bed every day. God opened my eyes with the phrase “There is a God, and He is in control, and because He is in control you don’t have to be in control.” I let that phrase wash over me for the next couple of weeks before surrendering my time, talents, money, future, and dreams to Jesus to do as He pleased. It was scary because I realized that meant He could do anything with me, and ask me for my very life if He wanted. However, once the decision was made, I woke up the next morning 100% free from all my mental health struggles I’d suffered with my entire life. If you are reading this, don’t believe the lie that you have to “put put” through life like a tug-boat struggling mentally and emotionally. God wants to set you free and has the power to make you a speed boat. I’ve never been the same since! Never been back to a doctor for mental health, never taken a pill again for anxiety or depression, and I have three beautiful children, a beautiful wife, and a wonderful job. Jesus is the real deal man. He is the secret sauce. Let him be King and Lord over your life. Bless you :)


They say the most important meal of the day is breakfast, I say it is the word of God, so I devour his word to command my day and nourish my soul🙏🏽💕


I just remembered the "wided eye mystified" part and I finally found this song again, I'm so glad I did.


May we never lose our wonder
May we never lose our wonder
Wide eyed and mystified
May we be just like a child
Staring at the beauty of our King
(Repeat x3)

Ooooh oh oh
Fill us with wonder
May we never lose our wonder
May we never lose our wonder
Wide eyed and mystified
May we be just like a child
Staring at the beauty of our King

Cause you are beautiful in all your ways
King of Kings
You are beautiful in all your ways
Cause you are beautiful in all your ways
Just close your eyes
Just close your eyes, you'll see him
You are beautiful in all your ways
Open the eyes of our heart to see you God

May we never lose our wonder
May we never lose our wonder
Wide eyed and mystified
May we be just like a child
Staring at the beauty of our King
(Repeat x2)

Cause you are beautiful in all your ways
Oh you are, yes you are
You are beautiful in all your ways
We give our lives to sing
Oooh oh oh
Cause you are beautiful in all your ways

Cause you are beautiful in all your ways

You fascinate me
You fascinate us
You fascinate us, with you are
You fascinate us
You fascinate us
You fascinate us with your love
You are beautiful
You are glorious
You are beautiful
Yes you are
You are beautiful
You are glorious
You are beautiful

You are beautiful in all your ways
You are beautiful in all your ways

May we never lose our wonder


In the year 2016, before i surrendered my life to Jesus Christ. One fine evening, i stepped in a room full of praise and worship, the team led this amazing song. After few mins, i was flat on the floor weeping and repenting for hour's in His Holy presence just like a small child. At present, i am a completely tranformed child of God. Truly, He is beautiful in all His ways! Glory to God! 🙌🏻


Since I lost both of my parents, life has never been easy. Jesus become my closest companion. I haven't shared with anyone how I felt when I lost my parents; instead, God has become my confidant. Though I still miss my parents at times, I am grateful to have been born again, and I find solace in that.


This song is beating so hard in my heart 2023. 🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷


If you are reading this, I pray that you may be just like a child staring at the many faces of the most high as he reveals himself to you in ways you need in your life. May his peace, healing, provision, restoration, salvation, abundance, and miracles be evident in your life as you listen today and always. Amen


 Man this song takes me straight to blubber town yo!!  fo real i cant stop weeping like a baby 


Wow! That repeat button is getting a workout! So beautiful! I'm undone over and over again by God's Beauty and the beauty of this song! 🙌🏾


i finally found it after minutes of trying to remember the song. Hit the like button if you found it just like I did. May we never loose our wonder.


May we never lose our wonder of our king. His name is Jesus.


3rd time trying to write and lost into cyber space because I cannot get my heart out before this impactful song finishes....so, faithful, wide-eyed and like a
Long story being made short!  I am not supposed to be here according to man and what they have been labeled professionals at in the medical books.   
In 2012, I was a part of a team of 18 devoted Christian women secretly holding women's conference to Muslim women who wanted to know about Jesus', but would be hurt badly or sometimes killed for even going against the religion of their bloodline.
One of the high-lights of that trip other than the actually missionary work was that for 3 of the 11 days we got to go to the sites and our first day in Jerusalem...I was found outside the church supposedly placed over the very area our Jesus' was beaten to satisfy Caesar. The overwhelming feeling led me running out into a courtyard where I found myself on my knees crying out to Our Lord', to God' even to Mary, the Virgin Mary for abandoning the LOVE I had for her since praying or worshipping others than God' would be punishable under Catholicism. After 12 years of that attitude from 1st grade to H.S. graduation... I knew nothing about Jesus'  all I came out with from the graduation of the tuition process Catholic parents cannot see until they walk away.
I wasn't taught to walk with The Lord Jesus' I had faith, but little knowledge.
The most extraordinary thing happened to me as I looked up to a beautiful blue sky over Jerusalem that day, at first not believing what I was witnessing so I recall even blinking my eyes a couple of times, but it was coming fast, yet slow enough to know what was going on in this weird and unchartered cloud formation over the church and no one else was seeing this so I grabbed for my I-Phone and began taking a series of 19 consecutive shots of what looked like an angel falling from Heaven.  You could even see the angel was feminine, which later turned out to be something totally different!  Nevertheless, as the tour groups came out of the church, so many started to point and bellow out their language's around me.  I left the area to find refuge from now all of them pointing to the sky and making a fuss.  I had been sobbing, so not realizing the magnitude that angel in the sky had that day. And that it was from Our Father' Himself'
If I could tell YOU one thing before I die, could it be this?  Just because we don't understand God, Doesn't mean He' doesn't exist!  That's why He' sent His' Son' to express that for Him'  Focus on Jesus' who took human form with ALL of the JOYS and ALL of the sorrows..  God' bless the one who reads this?  Amen'


Like a child....The Kingdom of Heaven is liken to a little child...may we NEVER lose our Wonder for our King.


This took me into worship....may we never lose our wonder....❤️❤️❤️


"You Make Me Brave" is their best album. Can't stop listening.


May I never lose my wonder of you Lord.


Seeing a girl worship and sing for God is so attractive. It get's me excited to meet my future wife one day.


I totally get why Steffany named her daughter, Wonder.
