Orangutan Caring Week 2023

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It's #OrangutanCaringWeek 🦧

This week is dedicated to encouraging people to care about saving this critically endangered species and recognizing organizations that support orangutan conservation and care.

Today, fewer than 15,000 Sumatran orangutans can be found in the wild. Approximately 95% of these orangutans live in the Greater Leuser Ecosystem on the Indonesian island of Sumatra, and the Toronto Zoo actively supports conservation work for orangutans and other species in this fragile habitat. The world has lost an estimated 120,000 orangutans in the past decade, primarily due to habitat loss. Every day, acres and acres of the Sumatran rainforest – the orangutan’s natural habitat – is removed to make way for oil palm plantations.

Toronto Zoo Wildlife Conservancy's 'Wilding Endangered Species Preservation Fund' provides financial support to conservation projects in the wild (“in-situ”), including Sumatran Orangutan Conservation Programme (SOCP) (SOCP).

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