Normalization VS Denormalization - Data Modeling Best Practices

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Navigate the world of data modeling and discover the distinctions between normalization and denormalization.

00:00 🌟Normalization VS Denormalization
While normalization is renowned for eliminating redundancy and simplifying queries, the rise of real-time OLAP has positioned denormalization as a sought-after approach due to the costly nature of join operations.

01:24 🌟The Cost of Denormalization
Understand the genuine cost of denormalization through a hands-on example with customer and order tables. See firsthand how a minor change, like masking customer names, can lead to substantial challenges in a denormalized setting.

03:44 🌟Complex Real-Time Data Pipeline
Venture into the realm of real-time data analytics. Grasp why tools like Spark aren't the go-to and the growing reliance on demanding stream processing tools. However, a straightforward solution emerges—speeding up join operations. This method sidesteps the need for denormalization and ensures a consistent data schema across the board.

This video is part of our From Denormalization to JOINS: Why ClickHouse Can't Keep Up webinar:


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This video is part of our From Denormalization to JOINS: Why ClickHouse Can't Keep Up webinar:
