Setting up a web server in Linux (LAMP Stack) - Operating System Lab

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This video shows how to set up a web server in Linux using Apache, MySQL and PHP. This server can run popular web services like WordPress and Drupal.
This was our project for Operating System Lab.
Section: PC-D, Group 4
Group members:
1. Anisuzzaman Shayak [181-15-1988]
2. Ahsan Habib [181-15-1907]
3. Hadi Himel [181-15-2080]
Course Code: CSE324
Course Title: Operating Systems Lab
Teacher: Ms. Zakia Sultana
Depertment of Computer Science and Engineering
Daffodil International University.
This was our project for Operating System Lab.
Section: PC-D, Group 4
Group members:
1. Anisuzzaman Shayak [181-15-1988]
2. Ahsan Habib [181-15-1907]
3. Hadi Himel [181-15-2080]
Course Code: CSE324
Course Title: Operating Systems Lab
Teacher: Ms. Zakia Sultana
Depertment of Computer Science and Engineering
Daffodil International University.
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