Vantara at Jamnagar: World's biggest wildlife rescue & rehabilitation hub

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Jamnagar: Reliance Industries and Reliance Foundation today announced the launch of their Vantara (Star of the Forest) programme, an umbrella initiative to focus on rescue, treatment, care and rehabilitation of injured, abused and threatened animals, both in India and abroad. Spread over 3000 acres within the Green Belt of Reliance’s Jamnagar Refinery Complex in Gujarat, Vantara aims to be one of the leading contributors to conservation efforts globally. By working with leading experts in animal care and welfare, Vantara has converted a sprawling 3000-acre space into a jungle-like environment that mimics the natural, enriching, lush and verdant habitat for the rescued species to thrive in.

The Vantara initiative, the first of its kind in India, has been conceptualised and birthed under the passionate leadership of Shri Anant Ambani, Director on the boards of RIL and Reliance Foundation. Shri Ambani is also spearheading Reliance’s ambitious renewable energy business in Jamnagar, and, in that capacity, is responsible for leading Reliance’s journey to become a Net Carbon Zero company by 2035.

Vantara is focused on creating best-in-class animal conservation and care practices including state-of-the-art healthcare, hospitals, research and academic centres. Within its programmes, Vantara also focuses on integrating advanced research and collaboration with reputed international universities and organisations such as the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and the World Wildlife Fund for Nature (WWF).

Over the last few years, the programme has rescued more than 200 elephants, and thousands of other animals, reptiles and birds from unsafe situations. It has undertaken initiatives in key species including rhino, leopard and crocodile rehabilitation.

Of late, Vantara has also taken part in foreign rescue missions in countries like Mexico, Venezuela etc. It recently brought in several big animals answering a call from Central American zoo authorities. All such rescue and rehabilitation missions are undertaken under strict legal and regulatory frameworks in India and internationally.

Speaking at the occasion, Shri Anant Ambani said, “What started as a passion for me at a very young age has become a mission now with Vantara and our brilliant and committed team. We are focused at protecting critically endangered species native to India. We also want to restore vital habitats and address urgent threats to species and establish Vantara as a leading-edge conservation programme. We are delighted that our efforts have been recognised in India and internationally. Some of India’s and the world’s top zoological and medical experts have joined our mission and we have been blessed to receive active collaborations and guidance of government bodies, research and educational institutions. Vantara aims to partner with the Zoo Authority of India and other relevant government organisations in improving all the 150-plus zoos in India in terms of training, capacity building and animal care infrastructure. We hope Vantara becomes a beacon of hope globally and can showcase how a forward-thinking institution can help the global biodiversity conservation initiatives.”
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This will tunrout as the biggest and best initiative of Ambani family😊


Congrats to Ambani family. Very nice to see sick animals being treated and enjoying the facilities! Please allow public to enjoy your hardwork by visiting.


We are a better world having thigreat man helping animals. Thank you sir.


It's surprising, didn't know that there is a wildlife rescue park in jamnagar. Nice work by Ambani family.. .. Beautiful.. ❤


Love this project pray for it's safety from this corrupt world


👏👏👏👌👌Superb... Awesome service... Ganesha and Vanadevatha blesses you Ananth with good health, happiness and prosperity. Keep going.... All animals will definitely be very grateful to you. 🇮🇳🇮🇳 Jai Bharath 🙌🙌💐💐🙏🙏


God bless to all the people who care for animals🙌❤


It is a unique project initiated by Ambani family especially Anant Ambani for the care and rehabilitation of our beloved wild animals. The project is as complex as big industry. All the animals in Vantara are eagerly waiting to welcome Radhika Merchant. Lots of thanks to all the staff involved in this great initiative ❤❤❤❤❤


Anat bro is such happy down to earth human huge 💓 from here


Great work sir, my respect towards Ambanis family has increased ❤ god bless you.


WOW wow wow wow wow wow wow wow Keep it up love from Pakistan ❤


I wish people would stop hurting innocent animals. ❤🙏🏼


बहुत अच्छा काम है। अनंत जी अगर एक काम शहरों में बेसहारा घूमती भूखी प्यासी गायों के लिए भी हो जाता तो आपका यश और भी बढ़ जाता, भगवान आपको और समृद्धि दे।


It's shown by the group that nothing is impossible. Great. Mukund Shewade Ratnagiri


Its a very very good step by Anant Ambani ❤. A safe home for those lovely animals. Hope it will maintain properly in future


God bless Anant Ambani for his vision and love for animals. Thank you Ambani family for creating Vantara . And most admirably once again giving our country a world class gem !😊
I do hope to visit it if possible ❤!


A really an amazing work taken, Amidst the world is turning out be a Business and Commercial Hub these days and while snatching every inch of land from Birds and Animals. A very Sensible and Great task which is taken over. The world should be for all the living beings to live in Peace and Harmony. God Bless the Man who created this!!!! Lets Keep up the Good job done for the next Million Years!!!!


Many thanks blessings for think about them who don't have their own voice. 🙏🏻


Jai shree ram har har mahadev jai shree karshna jai sanatan dharma har har mahadev 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏


Thank you so much, Mr. Anant Ambani for your great ideas.
