Audiomachine - Wars Of Faith

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Composer: Ivan Torrent

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This song reminds me why it's cool to have ears.


-"I know there's good in you."
-"It is too late for me, my son."


This song puts me in whole new place. I think some people understand what I mean by that.


Over a million views, barely a thousand comments.
Nearly twenty thousand likes, not even three hundred dislikes.
Video is only three minutes and fifty-four seconds, still has better content than half of YouTube.


You can feel the pain, the sadness in the music, especially during the violin part. It gives such a different and dramatic edge to it, hits you right in the soul.


“People are not born heroes or villains; they're created by the people around them.”
― Chris Colfer


"Consumed by Darth Vader, young Skywalker had become." What an amazing song this is.


The only place on youtube without any insults ! share the love ! share the music !


I have no words to describe this. This song is so emotional, so deep, so powerful, so sad, too many emotions at the same time. The vocals are PERFECT and EPIC.


The number of comments in this video is remarkably low. That is because people are left speechless by the epicness of this song...


“Now go.. my son, leave me.”
“I can’t leave you here, I have to save you!”
“You already have, Luke.. You were right about me. Tell your sister, you were right..”


picking up Ivan for an album with Paul Dilentir, Kevin Rix, Mark Petrie & Danail Getz was the best decision you guys could make. His burning violin/cello, which gives me the shivers everytime, and overall powerful work is the best round-up for this album.  

Better support those guys for more!


These guys aren't getting enough credit....


For power!
For glory!
For wealth!
For pride!
For revenge...
For the fallen!
For family!

_FOR _*_HONOR!_*


How is this not one of the most recognized songs of all time. The talent, the drive, the inspiration, and the spiritual unleash one experiences while listening to this, is far beyond it's time. Someone put this in for a GRAMMY!


"They paint the world full of shadows
And then tell their children to stay close to the light.
Because in the darkness, they'd be dragons.

But it isn't true.
In the dark, there be freedom" - Captain Flint.

Amazing song.


"Who I am is where I stand. And where I stand is where I fall. Without hope. Without witness...Without reward."


Anakin Skywalker: “I found a way to save you”
Padme: “save me?”

Palpatine: “Become my apprentice, learn to use the dark side of the force”


Didn't know that we have already christmas yet. This is probably the most amazing album this year with one of the best tracks for sure. Audiomachine in combination with Ivan Torrent as composer ... best of the best. Thank you for these feelings you create with this track and whole album.


Ben: “I was once a Jedi knight as the same as your father.”
Luke: “I wish I’d known ‘em”
Ben: “He was the best star pilot In the galaxy, and a cunning warrior and he was a good friend.”
Ben: “For over a thousand generations the Jedi knights were the guardians of peace and justice In the old republic, Before The Dark Times, Before The Empire.”
Young Anakin: “There’s so many do they all have a system of planets?”
Qui-Gon: “Most of them.”
Young Anakin: “Has anyone been to ‘em all?”
Qui-Gon: “Hm, Not likely.”
Young Anakin: “I wanna be the first one to see ‘em all.”
Uncle: “Where you going?”
Anakin: “To find my mother.”
Uncle: “Your mother Is dead son, Accept It.”
Anakin: “I wasn’t strong enough to save you mom, But I promise I won’t fail again..”
Padme: “I love you.”
Ben: “Vader was seduced by the dark side of the force.”
Anakin: “You could actually... Save people from death?”
Anakin: “I found a way to save you, I promise you.”
Palpatine: “The dark side of the force Is a pathway to many abilities some considered to be unnatural.”
Anakin: “ I feel lost.”
Mace: “I don’t trust ‘em.”
Obi-Wan: “Anakin has turned to the dark side.”
Anakin: “I won’t lose you the way I lost my mother..”
Yoda: “The boy you trained, gone he Is. Consumed by Darth Vader.”
Obi-Wan: “It can’t be!”
Qui-Gon: “Obi-Wan, have you done as I asked, have you trained the boy?”
Anakin: “Love won’t save you padme, Only my new powers can do that.”
Padme: “At what cost, You’re a good person don’t do this.”
Obi-Wan: “He was deceived by a lie we all were.”
Anakin: “I am becoming more powerful than any Jedi has ever dreamed of, and I’m doing It for you.”
Obi-Wan: “You were my brother Anakin! I loved you!”
Padme: “Stop, Stop now come back, I love you!”
Qui-Gon: Anakin, Anakin, NOOO!”
Anakin: “AGGGHHHH!!”
Darth Vader: “Where Is padme? Is she safe? Is she alright?”
Emperor Palpatine: “In your anger you killed her.”
*Darth Vader Ignites his lightsaber*
Rebel: “OPEN FIRE!!”
*Deflecting blaster bolts with his lightsaber*
Darth Vader: “She was alive I felt It!”
Darth Vader: “The force Is with you, Young Skywalker.”
Luke: “I’ve accepted the truth that you were once Anakin Skywalker my father.”
Darth Vader: “That name no longer has any meaning to me.”
Luke: “It Is the name of your true self, you’ve only forgotten, I know there Is good In you.”
Luke: “NOO!”
Darth Vader: “Luke, help me take this mask off.”
Luke: “But you’ll die.”
Darth Vader:” For once let me look on you with my own eyes.”
Luke: “ I’ll not leave you here, I’ve got to save you.”
Darth Vader: “You already have Luke, you were right about me..”
