Golf Mental Coach: Do You Freeze Over The Ball?

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Do you tend to stand over the ball on the golf course and never feel comfortable enough to pull the trigger? In this episode of "Sessions with Doc," golf psychology expert, Dr. Patrick Cohn, answers a question from Alex: "I'm a 16 year old; I play a lot of competitive golf and currently struggling to hit the ball. I look at the target 7 to 8 times on average when I'm standing over the ball and cant get myself comfortable. How can I get beyond this challenge?"

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I think i'm starting to understand the benefit of visualizing each shot. It's not so much to hit the ball exactly as visualized...but more so to distract the mind from focusing on mechanics that create tension. While the pro's visualize their shots...we all know they don't hit them exactly as envisioned...but they avoided thinking about the swing itself.


After more than 16 years I have never seen a shit until I hit it and see the ball in real flight. Do not know where everyone gets seeing an imaginary ball flight. I cannot do it.
