WHO Saved Josuke?!

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There's a very prevalent theory in the Jojo community that the guy who saved kid Josuke was actually just himself from the future. It's mainly explained that during the fight with Kira Yoshikage with Bites the Dust, they both would get sent back in time, but Araki changed his mind and gave us a different ending instead. This Short comes from the first tier of the Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Iceberg I uploaded on the channel. You can watch the full thing by following the link to the video on the Antwan channel
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In actuality it’s probably closer that Joske just copied the look of his hero and has unconsciously inserted himself in as the face of his hero since he wouldn’t have gotten a clear look at his face.
Him later getting injured in the same spots that his hero was in the flashback shows how far Joske has come to being the hero he strives to be.

It makes thematic sense and logical sense which doesn’t rely on assuming the story was changed.


Another point is, that scene is from Koichi's pov, probably when he was thinking someone with that hairstyle he could only imagine Josuke


Araki has said that the scene where josuke is saved by the delinquent was meant to have no later meaning in an interview all the way back in 1994. This would disprove BTD going back in time to kill baby Josuke.


I don't think even JJBA would be able to make "Time Travel To Save A Younger You" make sense


the scene is Koichi envisioning it, so it’s perfectly reasonable to assume that Koichi just imagined the student looking exactly like Josuke


Not only that but he also probably looks like Josuke due to Koichi being the one telling us the story, therefore putting Josuke’s face on Josuke’s hero since that was the closest match to fit the story.


I think the reason why he had a fever back then its because it was on the same time that holly was affected by dio's curse(plus they both had some kind of fever)


It was just a random kind hearted highschooler ( possibly study the same highschool josuke later went on ), his hairstyle is just a common hairstyle in the 80's of japan ( THATS why rohan said josuke's hairstyle is outdated because part 4 is set in the 00's )


It's worth noting that this has been disproven and is nothing more than headcanon.

Their pins are different, their clothes are the average uniform that decade. Their haircuts were also very popular at that time which is why emnist characters tell Josuke his hairstyle is outdated.

As for the blood pattern "looking very similar" to the finale fight of Josuke, let me get this straight for a second. Araki, the guy people accuse forgets major plot beats all the time remembered to add the same identical blood injuries? An absolute miniscule detail? Get real.

To add that nail on the coffin no book or interview has Araki ever remotely mentioning a thing as the "bites the dust time travel" scenario. Remember, bites the dust resets very specifically only for 1 hour, no more, no less.


i always hated this theory because fans will always say thats whats supposed to happen even tho araki has said multiple times that it was never the case


At the end of the day its not that the guy looks like Josuke, it's that Josuke looks like the guy now


I believe Araki actually spoke on it something to the tune of "The teenager is supposed to represent Morioh's heart of gold. The pompadour is usually a sign or a trouble student or a bully, but even this kid, straight out of a fight, has the heart to help her lady and kid in a snowstorm."

Yada yada, Josuke in a sense inherited that golden spirit/helping others ideology. Really it could be either and I think not knowing and speculation as to what YOU believe is more interesting anyway.


If he was Josuke he wouldn’t need to put any traction because crazy diamond is strong enough to just push the car


Also, it can be a random teenager. When Josuke was small, in Japan such kind of haircut was really popular among teenagers in real life. It is also in anime has prove, because some characters called Josuke's haircut "old" and "not in fashion now".


If future Josuke had to save past Josuke then how did future Josuke survive in the first place? The future Josuke would've needed to survive himself before when he was going through the illness.


During part 8 it is said that josuk8 and kira look identical even mistaking his true identity. It is very much possible that the guy who saved josuke in part 4 was actually kira( only possible if araki wants to connect the part 4 and part 8)


Bro the person who saved Joskue is a third year while Joskue is a first year they are not the same person. Also people claim Araki made the injuries Joskue had are the same as his savior (They are not the same just read the manga) but why would Araki make the injuries the same if Butes The Dust ability was already established as not being able to send someone back in time that far. So no Joskue didn't save himself because it wouldn't make any sense. And I'm going to say this againt that Joskue's savior was a thrird year while Joskue is a first year.


The early scans of Part 4 cursed the fandom for so long


The most curious thing is that the "young delinquent" is bleeding from the same spots Josuke is during the fight against Killer Queen+Stray Cat.


people keep forgetting that the hairstyle was ridiculously popular at the time Josuke was saved, and all throughout part 4 he's constantly mocked for his outdated hairstyle

if the theory was true, it would've been already been confirmed in the manga.
