Phil Good - 3D & 5D Simplified

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Hi Phil! You recently made a video about getting a ticket for not feeding the meter. So, the beginning of this week I got a ticket. All I could think of was your video. I took a deep breath, took responsibility and processed the events. I fought the urge of having an attitude, going into victim mentality and pleading my case. It seems like such a small incident but it became a spiritual lesson ❤️ thank you 😘


Wow, the first thing I noticed was that beautiful color on you


This is so loaded with important life fuel, I will listen to it again and again, until I have absorbed the message fully. Phil your truth is simple, yet evasive for a lot of us, unless we are an Observer of our own life. It is a powerful reminder to stay out of 3D thinking and operating in my thoughts and actions. I consciously only want to live from the 5D dimension, I see myself there and will observe and stay present to outside influences and flow from a place of living kindness here and now. So much Gratitude and Thankfulness! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


The message is so clear in this one! 3D/5D explained in a way that many will benefit


You are BRILLIANT !!! Thank you for articulating this in its most simplest form of understanding Phil! I love you ❤


“I’m not indebted to my past” is the most brilliant statement, I’ve ever heard. Love you Phil. ❤


I can't get enough. Always so on point, so on time. You're absolutely inspiring and I have a lot of gratitude for you sharing your journey with us. Thank you Phil & 9


Phil thank you for mirroring our higher mind, our sacred heart, our crystalline light. You are a master teacher serving the greater collective and I am humbled, yet honored, to have gravitated to you.
All of my life one thing has been so very consistent, all my teachers in all I have undertaken to learn, have been masters at what they knew. You my starseed friend are the Crème fraîche on the proverbial soup! Love and respect you.


Thank you so much for this beautiful message today! 🥰It was exactly Devine timing!!!
Today I had somebody who had been a huge part of my life recently literally fall away instantly from my reality. I felt really hurt .
I recognize that this now was an old aspect of me and now I am awakened to this old reality and pattern and belief system . I’m so grateful for all you do and all you share !
Infinite love and gratitude 💗🤟💗


I love that statement!! “I am who I am in this now moment. I am not indebted to my past.” Such beautiful words! Love how you say it so matter of fact but it is so poetic so true so multidimensional ✨Simply lovely. ✨ Thank you!🙏🏻


This is the best explanation of grids I've ever heard.


And yes. I like to call it the earth angel network. In 5D you interact with almost exclusively other earth angels. For instance in the grocery store I am only going to have the most amazing interactions with people, and something magical will even happen during this seemingly ordinary errand. Because thats the earth angel dimension. I almost want to call it a secret network, in plain sight. Yet anyone can come! Many just dont know about it. Im trying to spread this idea among people.


Finding unity with the dark being who is twisting his knife in my back is challenging me today.
Thank you for what brings you joy


I can’t even explain how much I appreciate and love you Phil 🌸❤️🌈🦋


This was perfect. I went out yesterday and every single person waived to me, from there car and from there driveway. It was different than any other day out. I just loved it. So different.


Thank you so much, Phil, for opening up this main concept of the 5D. I just came to the conclusion that there is no scarcity in the 5D. The more you act with love, the more you give out with clear thoughts and openness, eventually the more abundance you have so that it influences the other people's beliefs and vibrations.

Just act with the pure soul, and know that angelic frequency will generate even more abundance when it comes to self-fulfillment, financial independence, healthy relationships., etc. The new reality is based on the never-ending mutually-exchanged love that develops in geometrical progression once you step on its way by breaking free from self-doubt, ego, and jealousy. Thank you so much for spreading the message! Much love to anyone who reads it.


Thank you for grounding the love energy, clearing the web, and being a divine expression! namaste 🙏


I feel like I need to listen to this every morning when I wake up! Thank you! 💜💚


Aaah this video has been so helpful for me right now! Love all the cute noises you make when you’re channeling! Love you and the messages you bring, eternally grateful! 🙌😊❤️


You betta tell them, Phil lol! Soo much clarity for me and everyone else that resonates with your awesome message. I believe in the saying: SHARING IS CARING!

Thank You Soo Much Phil, for sharing yet another great video message...Truly loving you fam! 💚💚💚💚
