'What are non-classical logics? An introduction' by Luis F. Bartolo-Alegre

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Luis Felipe Bartolo Alegre (Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos) gives an introduction to non-classical logics.

This video is part of the series "Non-classical logics".
Time stamps:

0:00 Introduction
2:00 What are non-classical logics?
11:51 What domains of application are there?
12:10 Science
15:40 Rationality
20:03 If you wanna know more...

General texts on non-classical logics

Bobenrieth Miserda, Andrés. Inconsistencias, ¿por qué no?: Un estudio filosófico sobre la lógica paraconsistente. Colcultura, 1996.

da Costa, Newton. Ensaio sobre os fundamentos da Lógica (Essay on the foundations of Logic, in Portuguese). 2nd edition. Hucitec, 1992. (A translation into English is in preparation.)

da Costa, Newton. Logiques classiques et non classiques : Essai sur les fondements de la logique (Classical and non-classical logics: Essay on the foundations of Logic, in French). Translated by Jean-Yves Béziau. Masson, 1997.

Gomes, Evandro Luís and D’Ottaviano, Ítala Maria Loffredo. Para além das Colunas de Hércules. Uma história da paraconsistência: de Heráclito a Newton da Costa (Beyond the Pillars of Hercules. A history of paraconsistency: from Heraclitus to Newton da Costa, in Portuguese). UNICAMP, 2017.

Haack, Susan. Deviant logic: Some philosophical issues. CUP, 1974.

Palau, Gladys. Introducción filosófica a las lógicas no clásicas (A philosophical introduction to non-classical logics, in Spanish). Gedisa, 2002.

Priest, Graham. An introduction to non-classical logic: From if to is. 2nd edition. CUP, 2008.

Texts on non-classical logics and Science

Reichenbach, Hans. Philosophic foundations of Quantum Mechanics. University of California Press, 1944.

Schrödinger, Erwin. Nature and the Greeks and Science and Humanism. CUP, 1996.

Vickers, Peter. Understanding inconsistent science. OUP, 2013.

Other sources
Hamill, James F. Ethno-logic. The anthropology of human reasoning. University of Illinois Press, 1990.

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