Dandy's World: Get to Floor 20+ EVERY TIME! (guide)

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Dandy's World is one of Roblox's newest horror games, with a variety of characters, known as toons, to choose from! Your job is to collect tapes, extract ichor from machines, and survive the deeper you go!
With every couple of floors, both the amount of extraction machines and dangerous twisteds, start going up!

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Game: (Dandy's World)


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So far, our room record is floor 30!

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As a very poor trinketless Poppy, I've been rawdogging this game, sure I may die on the first few floors but it grows my ego knowing I can get through those floors without needing a distractor and being fully solo


I am literally addicted to this game, like it’s an ACTUAL addiction. I don’t even feel joy when playing anymore 😭


2:37 Small islands aren’t always good. If the island is too small, you might lose the twisted, but then it might see you again.


as a decent player, above floor 20 is actual hell.


The razzle and dazzle one is true, but they’re actually considered an A+ tier toon. Like you said they become really slow on even floors, but they get faster extraction speed, and vice versa. This is due to an unspoken detail in their ability description. On odd numbered floors, your extraction speed gets replaced by movement speed, but on even floors your movement speed gets replaced by extraction speed. They’re not recommended to do a solo run, but they’re better on playing with multiple other people, since they can become a Distractor AND an Extractor.


Okay! For scraps and goob ive found a really good way to deal with them is to practically make yourself known to them rather than finding you at a machine. If you're worried about either of them spotting you at a machine, get off of it, find a nearby safe wall, and then let them see you before ducking behind it again.

If you're lucky, theyll use their ability and turn around! if you're unlucky, at least when they chase you their ability has a short cooldown so you can better position and treat them as a normal chase from a twisted while on their cooldowns.

Kinda like how its better to just hide from pebbles then ever being caught, scraps and goobs are the opposite practically due to their ability. Make them see you, bait out their long range attack, and they'll either turn around *or* you can deal with practically a normal twisted.

This becomes a bit harder during blackouts or when theres a lot more twisteds to deal with whoops lmao


I used to HATE dandy’s world, but now I’m obsessed and can’t stop playing and talking abt it, it’s like too good to be true! I almost got goob and am SOOO excited! I’ll update later!


I'm a starter and I was interested to watch this guide.. I didn't get to floor 20, but I got to floor 16 on a solo! I got 2 mains which were astro and Shelly!! Tysm, it helped me alot! <3


It’s crazy how popular this game got in its alpha phase!


for goob and scraps the only advice i can give is just be extremely careful and try to stay near things you can hide behind, for distracting though, goob grabs every 10 seconds, while scraps grabs evey 20, or its at least around this time. You absolutely have to loop scraps and goob around islands while distracting, and its extremely difficult to distract goob or scraps while boxten or another twisted is chasing you, you have to constantly juke them or loop around so goob/scraps will keep chasing, its difficult to do but you can learn with enough practice.

Edit, forgot to mention, but if you're in a tough spot where goob/scraps will see you, run out in front of them, hide, and run, i call it a bait and run personally, but it works well.


I'll be honest, the game is a game of luck and skill. You can be a shrimpo and have brick and go to floor 30. You can pretty much use any character and anyskill. If you cannot play your character properly but someone can play say.. shrimpo properly, let em play shrimpo. The games whole point is YOU have to master your character, so dont worry about who plays what because even if its a team game- if YOU suck at playing your character, then YOU will lose. You control your own character, and others control theirs. I think it genuinely doesnt matter who you play as. If you suck at the character you play as you'll die and I'll live. Dont matter what you play as, just be good at the character and you will always win.


One thing that ive found helps, especially with the more common twisteds, is making sharp corners. But i must also say dont do this if you dont know where the others are lol


here's my priority for trinkets ;

1. covering weaknesses (thinking cap, water cooler, etc.)
2. upgrating forces (magnifying glass, machine manual, dog plush, etc.)
3. upgrating the toons's power (ex. blushy bat for poppy)
4. bonus (vee remote, crayon set, dandy plush, etc.)


0:13 "its ok" dies to boxten and 3 mains on the floor


That poppy picture when toodles was chasing poppy though😭😭


another tip: I reccomend using Pebble and the cat??? Pebble's movement speed is greater than the other toons, meaning even if you dont use your stamina you can still outrun most of the twisteds. for The Cat i forgot the name, when you are out of stamina and the ele is about to close, you can use its ability to pull yourself in the ele just in time.


if ever goob or scraps tries to grab you, run behind an island or run one way and before it hits you, immediately move to the other side.


0:01 Introuduction to dandys world

0:27 Stamina and walkspeed

0:37 Trinkets

1:24 Surviving in-game

1:36 Twisteds line of sight, Attention span and aggro

2:31 Islands for the twisted to lose aggro

2:52 Stamina management

Help i cant continue this comment


you can also Sprint-Tap so you still keep (Almost) all of your stamina while still being decently fast.
