The BEST iPad Accessories!!! 💎

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heyy everybody! Welcome to today's video all about my favourite iPad accessories and items that I recommend for students, creators, new iPad users or people who are just looking to upgrade their current setup! These are great for people with the iPad Pro, Air, mini, any iPad works!

When I first bought my iPad, I was quite unsure of which accessories to get, and I watched a bunch of different videos to see which ones, and I was still confused lol. So I compiled all the different iPad accessories out there into one short video for you to watch! I also mentioned a lot of iPad accessories, but of course, these are just suggestions to which ones you can check out!
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0:00 intro
0:45 apple pencil cases
4:50 BONUS: iPad as an extra screen
5:10 outro


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I don’t recommend trusting YouTube’s reviews on the paper like screen protector. I bought one since they were all saying it’s good but the screen is super grainy and gets scratched up easily, plus it makes the screen quality way worse when on. The paper like sound goes away after a while of using the apple pen on the spots you usually write/draw on (aka the middle part) plus if you check actual reviews on the product majority don’t recommend it so do with that what you will.


I have seen so many paperlike paide promo that i might as well just buy one even tho i don’t own an ipad.


Lmao, every youtubers absolutely love paperlike but most customers feedbacks are horrible. Giving money away to hide the defaults of a product, what a good way to communicate.


Heads up the paper like screen protector has a few downsides 1 it wears down ur tip just a little bit 2 it affects ur screen a lot display wise especially for the pros cause those have better screens so only get it if the main thing you do on your iPad is drawing or writing.


Anyone else kinda enjoy the feeling of your Apple Pencil on a glass screen protector? Just me?


i hate that we have to pay even more money for essentials like a case, keyboard and the pencil (mostly for students and artists), not very student friendly money wise 😫


I’ve been really hesitant to buy paper like because I’ve seen some reviews saying that it will “sand off” your Apple Pencil nib. But even writing with a bare iPad screen still gives me the same results when writing. But anyways, that’s just my two sense about the paper like.


You can also use your ipad as a second monitor for windows, i use an app called display


It is this sort of video that cultivates my habit of spending.


so here are some recommendations that all comes from personal experience, but i've made sure to list a lot of the cons of these items because they really aren't for everyone.
1. a paperlike screen protector
I know this is a controversial experience, and I want to just state the facts here; the paperlike screen protector gives a delightful experience drawing and writing, while the protector adds noise (grainy) to your ipad screen. I really love it, although it breaks my heart to kill my liquid retina beautiful display with this matte screen protector, but the sounds and the texture is really satisfying. Also, it kinda wears down your apple pencil tip, although I don't think this is that big of an issue personallly, you may have to replace it once a year, which is only like 4 dollars per year which I personally feel like is worth it.

2. a keyboard (smart folio keyboard)
I personally have the magic keyboard, which I would sadly not recommend, just because the price was too high, while it really didn't prove much better than the smart folio keyboard. I used the smart folio keyboard before, and although I don't really love the typing experience, it's definitely much more comfortable than the small keyboard on the ipad screen. The main problem with the magic keyboard in my opinion is that the only big difference that is noticeable for non tech experts like me is the trackpad, which isn't that great considering that the ipad already has a touchscreen which is pretty nice already. A lot of people say the smart folio keyboard is a useless purchase, but I feel like it's really convenient to type with, and I really recommend it unless of course you are on a budget and tight on money.

3. apple pencil
This is really obvious, probably the main thing you need, but I'm still adding it here. Basically, the apple pencil is really great, but also any other type of stylus is fine in my experience, unless you are an artist like me, in which a lot of these cheaper styluses don't have the pressure sensitivity.

4. a case
Cases just protect your ipad and they're usually really pretty too. I feel like the stand feature in basically almost every single ipad case is really useful since I feel like without the stand, I resort to just trynna balance it on a wall of some sort, and that's basically how I broke my last ipad. Cases are really cheap, although I know prices vary, but I recommend you get a cheaper case if you are hesitant about getting a case. Also, I recommend cases with a flap for the apple pencil, the magnet is weak, and I find my apple pencil always at the bottom of my bag, not stuck to the ipad.

Things I feel like you don't need (just a personal opinion)

1. Apple pencil grip
Feels honestly pretty useless, although I get that it may make your experience a tiny bit better, but honestly there isn't a huge difference unless you are really sensitive to things like that. I feel like if you are on a budget, and even if you're not, the apple pencil grip is not really that necessary, and all I want to say is that don't spend your money on an apple pencil grip rather than a case for your ipad or something. Even if you aren't really on a budget, you've probably spent enough on all the other accessories and the ipad itself, save yourself a little money, and cut back just for this.

2. Camera protector
Honestly, seems pretty useless to protect your camera, unless you are a very careless person who keeps dropping your ipad. Your case often will protect your camera from getting scratched, and I know this isn't the most expensive thing on this list, but just same as above, you already likely spent a lot of money, I feel like you can cut back on this and save yourself a little money.

3. Bluetooth mouse
I mean come on, you have an ipad with a touchscreen, if you are adding a keyboard and a mouse for god's sake, why not put in a little bit more money, and buy yourself a computer? I mean I get that ipads have good features like touchscreen, and apple pencil being able to write directly on it but I feel like you really don't need a mouse, and a keyboard. I understand why you would want a keyboard for your ipad, but I feel like a mouse is just a bit too far and a bit too unnecessary. If you are bringing your ipad to school, you really can't (at least probably shouldn't) bring a mouse. Maybe I'll recommend the magic keyboard to you, or a cheaper alternative to the magic keyboard that probably is similar (?) but I feel like a mouse is just too much.

(just a disclaimer: all of these opinions are my own personal opinion, I'm not trynna undermine what emily's saying, or what anyone else is saying for that matter, I am a user of an ipad who has bought way too much accessories on an excitement induced shopping spree, and I personally feel like I'm a valid source although I'm not some tech expert. I'm a student who uses iPad for school, drawing, and binge watching tv shows, which are usually the three main ways an iPad is used, which probably means quite a lot of people can relate to my thinking and my viewpoint. Please don't argue with me, everyone has different perspectives and different uses for the iPad, and if you read until here, damn you wasted a lot of your time)


my favorite ipad accessories are a paperlike screen protector (i actually recommend it!), an apple pencil sleeve, my logitech combo touch (which im typing on haha), my foldable yet really slim case, my powerbank and goodnotes 5 (which i classify as an accessory)


omg it literally makes me so happy when you post <3 your videos are the best!


dude for the price they charge for ipads id expect all of those accessories included with it and a kiss on the forehead for good measure


This was uploaded 8 mins ago! Loll!
*ps. Ur videos are so awesome I wait for u to post so impatiently so I binge watch ur older videos.*


your videos motivate me sm oml i love them <3


For the cover I’ve used plenty but all of them slip and it gets annoying when I’m writing. Do you have any recommendations for non slip pencil cover?


I love your videos they help me so much! I recently got an iPad Air and it had been so helpful for school! Thinking about posting some videos like yours! (Your handwriting is so cute omg) 💞💞


Yay u uploaded the one video I wanted thnx so so much


There’s a little problem with lens protector. You can’t take photo with flashlight on.


thanks for the video 💫
edit: i love how she smoothed the screen protected with a ruler 😂
