Juche #itftaekwondo

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ITF Taekwon-Do Pattern Juche Tul

1. Move the left foot to B and form a sitting stance to D, while the inner forearms perform a parallel block.
2. Straighten the knees and stand up to D, while the right palm performs a middle hooking block to D.
3. Form a sitting stance to D, while the left fist performs a middle punch to D. Execute 2 and 3 in a continuous motion.
4. Raise the right knee up to pull the right reverse footsword to the left knee joint and form a left one-leg stance to D, while the outer forearms perform a parallel block.
5. Keep the position of the hands as in 4, while the right foot consecutively performs a middle side piercing kick to A and then a high reverse hooking kick to B. Execute in a slow motion.
6. Lower the right foot to B in a jumping motion and form a right X-stance to F, while the right back fist performs a downward strike to B.
7. With the left foot perform consecutively a middle hooking kick and then a high side piercing kick to F.
8. Lower the left foot to F in a stamping motion and form a sitting stance to B, while the left flat fingertip performs a high outward cross-cut to F.
9. Form a left walking stance to BF, while the left palm presses the right side fist and perform a right high elbow strike to BF.
10. Cross the left foot over the right foot and form a right X-stance to B, while the right finger belly is brought on the left back forearm and the left reverse knife-hand performs a low front block to B.
11. Move the right foot to A and form a left L-stance to A, while a knife-hand performs a middle guarding block to A.
12. Spin counter-clockwise, while the left knife-hand performs a mid-air strike to A, land to A and with the left arm extended form a right L-stance to A.
13. Move the right foot to A and form a sitting stance to D, while the inner forearms perform a parallel block.
14. Straighten the knees and stand up to D, while the left palm performs a middle hooking block to D.
15. Form a sitting stance to D, while the right fist performs a middle punch to D. Execute 14 and 15 in a continuous motion.
16. Raise the left knee up to pull the left reverse footsword to the right knee joint and form a right one-leg stance to D, while the outer forearms perform a parallel block.
17. Keep the position of the hands as in 16, while the left foot performs consecutively a middle side piercing kick to B and then a high reverse hooking kick to A. Execute in a slow motion.
18. Lower the left foot to A in a jumping motion and form a left X-stance to E, while the left back fist performs a downward strike.
19. With the right foot perform consecutively a middle hooking kick and then a high side piercing kick to E.
20. Lower the right foot to E in a stamping motion and form a sitting stance to A, while the right flat fingertip performs a high outward cross-cut to E.
21. Form a right walking stance to AE, while the right palm presses the left side fist and perform a left high elbow strike to AE.
22. Cross the right foot over the left foot and form a left X-stance to A, while the left finger belly is brought on the right back forearm and the right reverse knife-hand performs a low front block to A.
23. Move the left foot to B and form a right L-stance to B, while a knife-hand performs a middle guarding block to B.
24. Spin clockwise, while the right knife-hand performs a mid-air strike to B, land to B and while keeping the right arm extended, form a left L-stance to B.
25. With the left foot perform a pick-shape kick to B, lower the left foot to B and form a right rear foot stance to B, while the forearm performs a middle guarding block.
26. Bring the right foot to the left foot and form a close stance with a heaven hand to D. Execute in a slow motion.
27. Slide to C and form a left rear foot stance to D, while the right straight elbow performs a downward thrust.
28. Slip the right foot and form a right walking stance to D, while the left arc-hand performs a high crescent strike to D.
29. Slide to C and form a right rear foot stance to D, while the left straight elbow performs a downward thrust.
30. Slip the left foot and form a left walking stance to D, while the right arc-hand performs a high crescent strike to D.
31. Move the left foot to C and form a right walking stance to D, while a twin-knife hand performs a high inward strike to D.
32. Move the right foot to C and form a left walking stance to D, while the right fist performs a downward punch.
***Continued in Comments Section***

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33. Move the left foot to the side rear of the right foot, slide to C and form a right L-stance to D, while the left outer forearm performs a downward block.
34. With the right foot perform a reverse turning kick to D, while flying away from D, land to C and form a left L-stance to D, while the forearm performs a middle guarding block to D.
35. Move the right foot to the side rear of the left foot, slide to C and form a left L-stance to D, while the right outer forearm performs a downward block.
36. With the left foot perform a reverse turning kick to D, while flying away from D, land to C and form a right L-stance to D, while the forearm performs a middle guarding block to D.
37. Move the right foot to D, move the left foot to D, and perform a flying two direction kick while flying to D, with the left foot performing a twisting kick and the right foot performing a side kick.
38. Land to D and form a left diagonal stance to D, while a twin palm performs a rising block.
39. Slide to D and form a right rear foot stance to C, while the right elbow performs a side thrust to D.
40. Turn the face to D and form a right bending ready stance to C, then with the left foot perform a middle back piercing kick to D. Execute in a slow motion.
41. Lower the left foot to D in a stamping motion and form a right L-stance to D, while the left back fist performs a horizontal strike to D.
42. Pull the right foot and form a parallel stance to D, while the right flat fingertip performs a high inward cross-cut to D. 43. Jump and fly to D, while the right fist performs consecutively a front punch and an upset punch to D, land to D and with the right fist extended form a close stance to D.
44. Move the right foot to D and form a right walking stance to D, while the left knife-hand performs a front downward strike.
45. Move the left foot to D and form a left walking stance to D, while the right fist performs a middle punch to D.

END: Bring the right foot back to a ready posture.


This is one of the most challenging patterns I´ve learned so far, but also one of the most thrilling patterns to learns. Thank you so much for uploading these videos! They truly inspire me to improve myself and challenge my limits.


Just wanted to say thank you Joel! I have learnt so much about technique and your videos have got me through all of my gradings to my Blue Tag belt so far!
