Juche #itftaekwondo

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ITF Taekwon-Do Pattern Juche Tul
1. Move the left foot to B and form a sitting stance to D, while the inner forearms perform a parallel block.
2. Straighten the knees and stand up to D, while the right palm performs a middle hooking block to D.
3. Form a sitting stance to D, while the left fist performs a middle punch to D. Execute 2 and 3 in a continuous motion.
4. Raise the right knee up to pull the right reverse footsword to the left knee joint and form a left one-leg stance to D, while the outer forearms perform a parallel block.
5. Keep the position of the hands as in 4, while the right foot consecutively performs a middle side piercing kick to A and then a high reverse hooking kick to B. Execute in a slow motion.
6. Lower the right foot to B in a jumping motion and form a right X-stance to F, while the right back fist performs a downward strike to B.
7. With the left foot perform consecutively a middle hooking kick and then a high side piercing kick to F.
8. Lower the left foot to F in a stamping motion and form a sitting stance to B, while the left flat fingertip performs a high outward cross-cut to F.
9. Form a left walking stance to BF, while the left palm presses the right side fist and perform a right high elbow strike to BF.
10. Cross the left foot over the right foot and form a right X-stance to B, while the right finger belly is brought on the left back forearm and the left reverse knife-hand performs a low front block to B.
11. Move the right foot to A and form a left L-stance to A, while a knife-hand performs a middle guarding block to A.
12. Spin counter-clockwise, while the left knife-hand performs a mid-air strike to A, land to A and with the left arm extended form a right L-stance to A.
13. Move the right foot to A and form a sitting stance to D, while the inner forearms perform a parallel block.
14. Straighten the knees and stand up to D, while the left palm performs a middle hooking block to D.
15. Form a sitting stance to D, while the right fist performs a middle punch to D. Execute 14 and 15 in a continuous motion.
16. Raise the left knee up to pull the left reverse footsword to the right knee joint and form a right one-leg stance to D, while the outer forearms perform a parallel block.
17. Keep the position of the hands as in 16, while the left foot performs consecutively a middle side piercing kick to B and then a high reverse hooking kick to A. Execute in a slow motion.
18. Lower the left foot to A in a jumping motion and form a left X-stance to E, while the left back fist performs a downward strike.
19. With the right foot perform consecutively a middle hooking kick and then a high side piercing kick to E.
20. Lower the right foot to E in a stamping motion and form a sitting stance to A, while the right flat fingertip performs a high outward cross-cut to E.
21. Form a right walking stance to AE, while the right palm presses the left side fist and perform a left high elbow strike to AE.
22. Cross the right foot over the left foot and form a left X-stance to A, while the left finger belly is brought on the right back forearm and the right reverse knife-hand performs a low front block to A.
23. Move the left foot to B and form a right L-stance to B, while a knife-hand performs a middle guarding block to B.
24. Spin clockwise, while the right knife-hand performs a mid-air strike to B, land to B and while keeping the right arm extended, form a left L-stance to B.
25. With the left foot perform a pick-shape kick to B, lower the left foot to B and form a right rear foot stance to B, while the forearm performs a middle guarding block.
26. Bring the right foot to the left foot and form a close stance with a heaven hand to D. Execute in a slow motion.
27. Slide to C and form a left rear foot stance to D, while the right straight elbow performs a downward thrust.
28. Slip the right foot and form a right walking stance to D, while the left arc-hand performs a high crescent strike to D.
29. Slide to C and form a right rear foot stance to D, while the left straight elbow performs a downward thrust.
30. Slip the left foot and form a left walking stance to D, while the right arc-hand performs a high crescent strike to D.
31. Move the left foot to C and form a right walking stance to D, while a twin-knife hand performs a high inward strike to D.
32. Move the right foot to C and form a left walking stance to D, while the right fist performs a downward punch.
***Continued in Comments Section***
1. Move the left foot to B and form a sitting stance to D, while the inner forearms perform a parallel block.
2. Straighten the knees and stand up to D, while the right palm performs a middle hooking block to D.
3. Form a sitting stance to D, while the left fist performs a middle punch to D. Execute 2 and 3 in a continuous motion.
4. Raise the right knee up to pull the right reverse footsword to the left knee joint and form a left one-leg stance to D, while the outer forearms perform a parallel block.
5. Keep the position of the hands as in 4, while the right foot consecutively performs a middle side piercing kick to A and then a high reverse hooking kick to B. Execute in a slow motion.
6. Lower the right foot to B in a jumping motion and form a right X-stance to F, while the right back fist performs a downward strike to B.
7. With the left foot perform consecutively a middle hooking kick and then a high side piercing kick to F.
8. Lower the left foot to F in a stamping motion and form a sitting stance to B, while the left flat fingertip performs a high outward cross-cut to F.
9. Form a left walking stance to BF, while the left palm presses the right side fist and perform a right high elbow strike to BF.
10. Cross the left foot over the right foot and form a right X-stance to B, while the right finger belly is brought on the left back forearm and the left reverse knife-hand performs a low front block to B.
11. Move the right foot to A and form a left L-stance to A, while a knife-hand performs a middle guarding block to A.
12. Spin counter-clockwise, while the left knife-hand performs a mid-air strike to A, land to A and with the left arm extended form a right L-stance to A.
13. Move the right foot to A and form a sitting stance to D, while the inner forearms perform a parallel block.
14. Straighten the knees and stand up to D, while the left palm performs a middle hooking block to D.
15. Form a sitting stance to D, while the right fist performs a middle punch to D. Execute 14 and 15 in a continuous motion.
16. Raise the left knee up to pull the left reverse footsword to the right knee joint and form a right one-leg stance to D, while the outer forearms perform a parallel block.
17. Keep the position of the hands as in 16, while the left foot performs consecutively a middle side piercing kick to B and then a high reverse hooking kick to A. Execute in a slow motion.
18. Lower the left foot to A in a jumping motion and form a left X-stance to E, while the left back fist performs a downward strike.
19. With the right foot perform consecutively a middle hooking kick and then a high side piercing kick to E.
20. Lower the right foot to E in a stamping motion and form a sitting stance to A, while the right flat fingertip performs a high outward cross-cut to E.
21. Form a right walking stance to AE, while the right palm presses the left side fist and perform a left high elbow strike to AE.
22. Cross the right foot over the left foot and form a left X-stance to A, while the left finger belly is brought on the right back forearm and the right reverse knife-hand performs a low front block to A.
23. Move the left foot to B and form a right L-stance to B, while a knife-hand performs a middle guarding block to B.
24. Spin clockwise, while the right knife-hand performs a mid-air strike to B, land to B and while keeping the right arm extended, form a left L-stance to B.
25. With the left foot perform a pick-shape kick to B, lower the left foot to B and form a right rear foot stance to B, while the forearm performs a middle guarding block.
26. Bring the right foot to the left foot and form a close stance with a heaven hand to D. Execute in a slow motion.
27. Slide to C and form a left rear foot stance to D, while the right straight elbow performs a downward thrust.
28. Slip the right foot and form a right walking stance to D, while the left arc-hand performs a high crescent strike to D.
29. Slide to C and form a right rear foot stance to D, while the left straight elbow performs a downward thrust.
30. Slip the left foot and form a left walking stance to D, while the right arc-hand performs a high crescent strike to D.
31. Move the left foot to C and form a right walking stance to D, while a twin-knife hand performs a high inward strike to D.
32. Move the right foot to C and form a left walking stance to D, while the right fist performs a downward punch.
***Continued in Comments Section***