From the Blue Brain to Human Brain Project - Felix Schürmann, at USI

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Understanding the human brain is one of the greatest challenges of the 21st century. Today, for the first time, modern ICT has brought these goals within sight: Many areas of science and engineering have adopted simulation-based research as a novel tool for discovery and insight. The sustained performance growth in supercomputer performance allows ever more detailed models, which makes supercomputing nowadays also a viable tool for biology. The Swiss Blue Brain Project has been pioneering the use of supercomputers for detailed, integrative brain tissue modeling since 2005. This success paved the ground for the Human Brain Project, an EU FET Flagship project with more than 100 European and international research institutes. The goal of the HBP is to use ICT as a catalyst for a global collaborative effort to understand the human brain, its diseases and to derive novel computing technologies.

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An ever expanding unifying model ! Sir give yourself a cookie. You deserve it!


Glad we finally came so far as to study electrophysiology in a virtual model. (31:00)
It will reveal a lot about the etiology of Neuro degenerative diseases when testing various concentrations of Calcium, Magnesium, Natrium, Kalium, blood pressure, O2 level and neurotransmitters. Based on the results learned, Electronic monitoring of balances between these elements in a patient will help prevent and heal. Next step shall be to support the microbiology with the help of oekotrophology, pharmacology and genetics.


When you speak of "age of the brain" at 10:30 - what makes "age" different from damage over time from a source that could have been identified?


Good Human #BrainComputerInterface are all fascinating fields of study...

I agree
41:00 41:30
It would be hard to find Human volunteers for invasive Brain related types of research.

Plus, wouldn’t that skew the research s little.?

#neuroethics is meaningless talk without Governing authority....right?


If it work, so all human become slaves under one man or no body knows that I am under control of a person what will


we need ai to help us read scientific publications
