Michael Shermer: Birthplace Determines Faith #shorts #faith

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Michael Shermer: Birthplace Determines Faith #shorts #faith

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He's correct. The fast majority of people join the religion of their parents and the place where they were born. Of course there are exceptions. So sure, come in here and tell me you're the exception and that that proves your god is real. But it doesn't mean anything. There are exceptions in every religion. If the exceptions prove the truth of the religion, then all religions are true. And that's simply not possible. The most reasonable explanation is that religions are man-made and are passed on by parents to their children and that that's how they survive. But that doesn't make them true.


Correct. It is also the case that science is understandable and used by all races and both sexes. Break a leg anywhere and doctors will fix it the same way, whatever language and culture they have.


Deities that demmand your blood should have been purged from any belief system, either literal or symbolical blood. But no, a lot of people decide to be slaves to them.


the speed of light in a vacuum is 299, 792, 458 m/sec. This is true everywhere in the universe, has been and will be true so long as light, time and space exist together. We have known that, with about 0.0017% accuracy, since the 1860s. We know it now to a degree of accuracy of amount a millimeter. Which is more progress than all the religions ever invented have ever achieved in all existence.


Everyone has heard of Jesus Christ. Find me the person who has not. Everyone is responsible to accept Christ.


this guy explains why people believe different religions but doesn't provide any reasoning for why the "god" meaning the entity that christians, jews and muslims doesn't exist. The fact that there are
thousands of religions doesn't indicate that we fabricated god, in fact its an indication that there can only be one true religion because just how reproduction is a survival instinct and very real, in can be said that people can almost feel a presence of a higher being or feel that there is something beyond death, its a bold claim to say that all the billions of people blindly believe something and there isn't at least several millions of people haven studied religion and it made sense that there is a creator.


Dumbest argument ever. That would’ve made sense 100 years ago but not now. We live in a marketplace of ideas where people pick and choose what they think is best for them.


Why hasn't Yahweh aka Jesus hasn't appeared yet? Why hasn't the believers use their Smartphones, Computers, Tablets, Intercessory Praying, and whatever other stupid superstitious magical shit and convert myself and all the other atheists yet? You're so smart, right?


The “Professional skeptic.” What a sad way to go through life. You could ask the opposite though, why is it that no matter where you go, belief in God is a deeply kept human norm? If it’s solely based on where you’re from, why are there converts? Why is it that a biologist, astrophysicist, or any scientist from the religion of atheism upheld by the modern US, can find a faith in God through their studies? If you search for the light you just mind find it. If you only search for darkness, that’s all you’ll ever see.


God is not religion, religion is not God


He has a good point but doesnt this show how clever God is.I'm a Christian and I was born into a Christian country. A muslim would be born into a muslim country.Just shows that people end up the right place.


27, 819, 588 Christians in India according to a google search. I don't know a single westerner that believes in ganesh. This is a preposterously weak argument


Only one God, really.
All the others came after creation.


No, it doesn't. All the first Christians were born in.... Israel and Judah. Christianity spread all over the world. So much for your early disprovable claim. 😂😂😂😂
