I Rebalanced Fire Emblem The Sacred Stones

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00:00 - Intro
02:35 - Unit changes
12:16 - Promotion Bonus Changes
20:25 - Map Changes

Fe8 is my favorite game of all time, and I love playing and watching reblanaces of it, so I thought I would try making my own! This video documents each change I made and why I made it.

Jehanna Vibes - D3ejus
Vulnerar-E-Mart - Forblaze
Girl of the Plains - Evie
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Someone pointed out a bug to me that I didn't catch!

In chapter 6, if you let the story play out, the game crashes because the party tries to walk over the new village. I'm going to get started on fixing this, but in the mean time, if you skip the scene the bug doesn't happen (this is why I didn't notice, I skipped the scene during testing).

I'm going to fix that up and re test the other maps I changed to make sure the story is working in those as well.


Guess this mod is called Seth and friends but better friends


11:09 Ever feel like God looked down, considered buffing you, but decided your bad luck was too funny to change?


Erika getting 1-2 with Sigliende like Ike with Ragnell makes so much sense yeah


>says nothing was nerfed.
>Nerfed Great Knight's RES.



A couple thoughts, though mostly inconsequential:

- Sieglinde is titled the "Storm Blade", so the Thunder or Bolting animation might work better for its 2-range magic animation.
- You can give unpromoted Neimi a pseudo-Paragon effect by reducing female Archer's Class Relative Power from 3 to 2, which would let her gain EXP at a boosted rate similar to GBAFE Thieves without affecting enemy Archers (since they're all male). The effect isn't as drastic as Paragon, since it's more like 130%~150% EXP rather than 200%, but it can be done without the Skill System.


Quick thought on giving Neimi paragon, the same effect could be done by making tje female archer class have a different.. I believe it's the 'power' rating. Basically it's the reason some classes like theif get more xp and promoted classes get less. You could just make her class gain xp like a theif which would help her level faster.


These are some cool changes. I'd like to talk about L'Arachel, though.

Increasing her level is cool and all. It lets you promote her much quicker. But I'm not exactly a fan of not upping her bases. Her bases on the whole aren't impressive even at Lv6 on average, so I don't think it would have hurt to have given her Lv6 average bases. I get she's mainly used for horse staffbot utility, but some casual players might want to use her for combat. If Neimi was given average stats for her new base level, I think L'Arachel should be given the same treatment.


+2 level for Garcia for only +1 Skl and Def is actually a nerf tho..


I really love how you considered flavor when making these changes. I think it's easy for veteran Fire Emblem players to focus on numbers and stats (and map clear speed) above everything else, but while that stuff is obviously important, I always like it when people try to consider what new players, or just people invested in the story or characters might pay attention to, also. Elements like "the fantasy of this class" are really important for people who aren't experienced enough to scrutinize small numerical differences, so even if something is still sub-optimal, I think it's important that it at least delivers on what it seems to promise the player. It's good for players to feel good about the units they've invested a lot of exp into, even if some take more effort than others.

And I was just generally happy to see the consideration for why certain items might be obtained in certain locations beyond how it benefits the player to have them.


This is a really light touch, but those can be nice when you want to do something like an otherwise vanilla draft or just have a bit more fun. If you're open to larger changes in the next version, I always liked the idea of balancing Seth by changing nothing else about him but having him go with the other lord at the route split. You have to learn/train to fend without him over the prologue, and then once he gets back his endgame level bases means he can slot right back in alongside everyone else.


This is such a cool patch! I can’t wait to play ephraim mode with it!


"I always felt that Purge on a reinforcement felt a little mean on this map." - Hubert would like to know your location.


If you ever do it again, you should use the rebalanced classes from when you balanced the promo options with Akira


This seems well thought out and quite fun! I'll have to try your changes out!


My largest complaint with great knight has always been that it just feels abysmal to go from 7 move on a Cav down to 6. When I messed around with FE editing in the past, I always liked Great Knight having 7 as well so it never felt like a movement downgrade and more worth considering compared to Pally's 8 move.

I suppose this rears it's head against general, but as you said, making it a combat powerhouse makes sense, but I'd probably also innately give them base C rank in all weapon types for triangle control. To make up for GK having 7 now compared to 6.


This is a lot of really cool adjusting. I never considered moving Lute to the near village, and I especially like the way you turned lame rewards into nice ones.


I think the beauty of sacred stones is it being Seth and Friends 🤣


FE8 is a very popular game within my friend group, pretty much all of us enjoy the game quite a bit. One of them is a big fan of the branching promotions on this game so this patch will probably be very fun for them. For me, I enjoy patches that put this game’s difficulty more in line with something like FE6 hard mode where the game is challenging but still fun for casual players. FE8 is a very fun game and it should stay that way


So I think the idea of adding more enemies who specifically exist to give Seth pause is by far the best way to nerf Seth. I'm all for the one dude with a zanbato.
