Reinhard Dörner - 2019 Schawlow-Townes Symposium

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Prof. Dr. Dörner presents his talk titled "Imaging Molecules with Light and Multiparticle Coincidence Detection".

Prof. Dr. Döerner obtained his doctorate in physics from the University of Frankfurt in 1991. In 1995 he was awarded the Feodor Lynen Scholarship from the Humboldt Foundation to work at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in the United States. In 1998 he joined the University of Frankfurt through the Heisenberg Program of the DFG. Since 2002 he has held the position for Professor at the Institute for Nuclear Physics of the University of Frankfurt. His research interests and collaborations are diverse, but include: atomic and molecular physics; few-body dynamics; Ion atomic collisions (keV-GeV); electron-atom and antiproton-atom collisions (CERN); atomic and molecular physics with synchrotron radiation (Hasylab Hamburg, Bessy, Berlin, ESRF Grenoble, ALS-Berkeley); atomic and molecular physics in strong laser fields; kinematically complete experiments using COLTRIMS and reaction microscopes.
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