Протея - национальный символ ЮАР

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Королевская протея изображена на гербе ЮАР - это символ разнообразия и гармонии культур и национальностей республики. На территории страны произрастает больше 100 видов этого цветка. Своё название он получил в честь Протея - сына греческого бога Посейдона, умевшего принимать разные образы.
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The royal Protea flower is depicted on the coat of arms of South Africa - it is a symbol of diversity and harmony of the cultures and nationalities of the republic. More than 100 species of this flower grow on the territory of the country. The flower received its name in honor of Proteus - the son of the Greek god Poseidon, who could take different characters.
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The royal Protea flower is depicted on the coat of arms of South Africa - it is a symbol of diversity and harmony of the cultures and nationalities of the republic. More than 100 species of this flower grow on the territory of the country. The flower received its name in honor of Proteus - the son of the Greek god Poseidon, who could take different characters.
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