«Пусть живет маленький принц» (трейлер)\ «Keep the Little Prince Going»
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В этом документальном фильме переплетаются две параллельные реальности. Первая — репетиция спектакля «Маленький принц», которую проводит артист Александр Жданович c актерами — детьми из психоневрологического интерната. Вторая — разные сферы жизни, в которых появляются герои, приоткрывая свой внутренний мир, свое состояние души в настоящий момент. Одиночество, любовь, невозможность любить, чувство запутанности, милосердие, радость… Маленький принц словно живет в каждом из героев…
Автор сценария и режиссер — Екатерина Махова.
The film story includes two intertwined parallel realities. The first one is a rehearsal of the play “The Little Prince” by Saint-Exupéry carried out by the actor and director Alexander Zhdanovich together with the actors from the boarding home for children with special needs. The second reality consists of different areas of life in which the characters reveal their inner world and state of mind at that moment. Loneliness, love, inability to love, confusion, compassion, joy. It is аs if the little prince lives in each of the characters...
Screenwriter and Director — Ekaterina Makhova.
Автор сценария и режиссер — Екатерина Махова.
The film story includes two intertwined parallel realities. The first one is a rehearsal of the play “The Little Prince” by Saint-Exupéry carried out by the actor and director Alexander Zhdanovich together with the actors from the boarding home for children with special needs. The second reality consists of different areas of life in which the characters reveal their inner world and state of mind at that moment. Loneliness, love, inability to love, confusion, compassion, joy. It is аs if the little prince lives in each of the characters...
Screenwriter and Director — Ekaterina Makhova.