8 Hours Of Healing Scriptures For Meditation And Sleep | Joseph Prince | Gospel Partner Resource

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This resource (Healing Scriptures Audio Companion) is made free on YouTube thanks to the support of our Gospel Partners!

Listen to Joseph Prince read God’s healing promises over you.

Accompanied by instrumental music, the reading of these healing scriptures will wash over you and immerse you in God’s healing anointing. Perfect for your daily meditation or listening at any time of the day, wherever you are.

If you have a loved one in the hospital, get God’s living and powerful Word to them by playing this Healing Scriptures audio companion over them.

Got a healing testimony to share? Share it with us in the comments below.

Blessed by this resource? Purchase the Healing Scriptures e-book & support our mission to give away 5 more copies to others completely free!

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This resource (Healing Scriptures Audio Companion) is made free on YouTube thanks to the support of our Gospel Partners!

Listen to Joseph Prince read God’s healing promises over you.

Accompanied by instrumental music, the reading of these healing scriptures will wash over you and immerse you in God’s healing anointing. Perfect for your daily meditation or listening at any time of the day, wherever you are.

If you have a loved one in the hospital, get God’s living and powerful Word to them by playing this Healing Scriptures audio companion over them.

Got a healing testimony to share? Share it with us in the comments below!

Receive more teaching content on healing in your email inbox from Joseph and his team.


Please heal me Lord. I’m tired of the pain. If you can do it for these beautiful people in the comments, you can do it for me.


I was Muslim before. After a fatal accident in Singapore during construction work. I lost everything but l found Lord Christ in Singapore. Now l am believe Jesus as my Lord and savior. Thank you Jesus" for save my life.


God is good. Jesus healed me of thyroid cancer, severe covid pneumonia and deep anxiety and depression. I'm so grateful


I had a grand maul seizure and a stroke which blinded me and badly damaged the right side of my body so I couldn't eat food without spilling it on myself. At the dinner table one night I cried out to God to heal me and no more than 3 minutes later I could see again and the right side of my body became functional again. I never doubted Jesus again from that day on!✝


My wife is 8 months pregnant and as she was driving today, she got involved in a terrible head collision accident. Her car was pushed away 15 metres away while she was inside. I thank God she survived and the baby is okay. God is great.


Jesus Christ healed me! This is my story about my healing!I was extremely ill! I had diabetes and kidney failure, which urgently requires dialysis! I prayed to God to heal me, not for me, because I don't deserve it, but for my little children, who were left without a mother! in exactly that day, in which I prayed, the Lord healed me! I suddenly felt the pain in my kidneys go away, as well as the dryness in my mouth (diabetes). I'm a new women now! I thank the Lord for His mercy and love for


Diagnosed with pancreas cancer, and I pray n believe I’m already healed and will live till 120! In Jesus name, Amen!


My daughter Lyndsey was diagnosed with an aggressive breast cancer. She is only 39, with 2 young teenage teenage boys. she had her breast off and had a few cycles of chemotherapy. She discontinued the chemotherapy and was trusting the Lord for her healing. I was so worried about her but wanted to support her decision. Our God is so Good. He has brought her through this nightmare and we are so grateful for all He has done for her. It is 2 years since her diagnosis and there is no sign ofrecurrence of her tumour. We give God all the praise honour and glory. He is an awesome God who is more than worthy to be praised. Trust in Jesus and believe He can do anything because He can. 🙏 🙏


I was paralyzed in bed last year and I heard Jesus say out loud to me - If you believe in me get up and walk💜🕊💜 I got up and not only walked but went for a walk outside. Praise GOD IS ALWAYS WORKING!!!! 😘🙏🥀


My younger sister was diagnosed with breast cancer. Her husband died in 2011 and she had 3 teen boys when she was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2014. She underwent surrgery and chemo but she always believe in God to heal her. She listened to the healing scripture and its 2023 she is healthy with no recurring sickness. We praise God for her good health.


I had a cancer, lot of pain. Now everything is gone.Thank you Heavenly Father. You are worthy to be praised.❤❤❤❤


I played this all night and slept through the night without waking up
for the first time in years. God’s Word is healing.


Stage IV cancer here. Praying to Jesus for remission or cure. Having help from my friend Wendy who believes in me and my faith in Jesus. Thank you for reading this.


I was very sick for days, I felt like I was going to die but the Holy Spirit reminded me to listen to this video. I was listening and I kept on saying let your Word bring healing to my body as I listen. I listened in the afternoon and fell asleep playing and at night I was healed, strength retained in my body miraculously. Thank you Jesus and thank you Pastor for posting this ❤️❤️❤️ Indeed the Word of God is Medicine


I was crying in my room, with scars and bruises, and He heard my cry to Him, I got healed, I have a stable job and a healthy pregnant wife! And we're expecting a boy, and it's all because of Him. Praise the good ol' God


I am an 18 year old girl from South Africa...I believe God will heal me from this cataract in my right eye and I will not rely on glasses to see🙏❤️I receive my healing in Jesus name!!!!❤️


I will listen to this all the way to my oncology radiation appointment on Monday. I know this is 6 months old but the Bible still stands and I will be healed from a brain tumor in Jesus name


God healed me from a rare cancer (none reactive to chemo or radiotherapy) and spared me from a major surgery, I am so grateful and blessed. Thank you Jesus for your finished work ❤ All glory to God 🙌


To the one who's reading this, I hope you are doing alright, I hope that all the pain you are facing right now will turn into a great achievement. Always remember that God is always with us. He will bless, guide, and protect us. 💗
