Image Registration - Part 1 - Basic Concepts

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Talk by Serge Koudoro, Indiana University. Mr. Koudoro is the release manager for DIPY. He is a software engineer with great expertise in image processing and registration.

Synopsis This talk will provide insights into the internal workings of the image registration modules in DIPY. Both affine and nonrigid registration will be covered along with some great tips for motion correction. Motion correction uses registration as one of its more prominent steps.

Please cite:
Garyfallidis E, Brett M, Amirbekian B, Rokem A, van der Walt S, Descoteaux M, Nimmo-Smith I and Dipy Contributors (2014). DIPY, a library for the analysis of diffusion MRI data. Frontiers in Neuroinformatics, vol.8, no.8.

To install:
pip install -U dipy
conda install -c conda-forge dipy

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