The Exponential Family of Distributions

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This definition doesn't require very advanced concepts but it usually isn't mentioned until a very advanced statistics class. Now that I came across it and learned it, I made a short video to introduce more people to the idea sooner, so it is one fewer hurdle for stats students to clear.
The Exponential Family (Part 1)
The Exponential Family of Distributions
The Exponential Family of Distributions
The Linear Exponential Family
Binomial distribution: in the exponential family
Exponential Family of Distributions
Exponential Family of Distributions
Example of Exponential Family: Discrete Distributions
Math Stats L14 (Supplemental) Sufficient Statistics Using the Exponential Family of Distributions
Exponential Family of Distributions
Exponential family of probability distributions
Lecture 13 - Exponential Families
Gamma Distribution: Member of the Exp Family
M-08. Exponential family of distributions
Introduction to the Exponential Family of Distributions-Part1
introduction to the Exponential Family of Distributions and Canonical Form
Lecture 6. Introduction to Bayesian Statistics, Exponential Family of Distributions
The Linear Exponential Family: The Variance
Lecture 9: Exponential Family of Distributions
Gaussian distribution as exponential family
Exponential Family of Distributions
Proportion (of binomial data) is in the exponential family
Exponential Family 1
K-Parameter Exponential Family of Distribution | Advanced Statistical Inference | Statistics Uop.