How To Write Bi Characters #Pride

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Because you need more than an "I'm Bi!" to make a character Bisexual

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So...someone to Bi with, huh?

(I'm sorry, please shoot me)


As I am not an expert on what being bi is like (as a girl who likes other girls), but I have a bi male character, I'd like to ask what you opinion is of this character from a story I'm currently developing.

Both Doug Miller and Cherri Miller were wed and grew up in a rather traditional town, that openly doesn't support LGBT+. Now, Doug has always felt an attraction towards both men and women, but has never been able to open up about it due to his hometown. Despite that, he's always loved Cherri for how despite his flaws and deformities (from burns and being unusually broad in muscles), she still cared about him and he allows himself to be vulnerable around her. Later, they decide on moving to a new town and get away from the busy life, to live in a log house out in the woods and eventually have a kid. Now fast forward to the child being around 5, the main character (Runo) arrives at the house to start his new job to transfer wood logs to Doug's customers, to which Doug can't do anymore on his own as the demand starts to grow. Runo takes this job for the money, and gradually the two characters end up becoming friends, and eventually Runo opens up to Doug about the fact that he is gay, to which Doug is cool with and the main character is elated by the response and how it feels getting it off his chest.

Now here's the main part that I'm having issues if it would work. Doug upon seeing his friend's response and feelings of joy after opening up about his secret, encourages Doug to also open up on his secret of being bi to his wife. He starts off saying that he loves her fo death, and that no matter what he's about to say, that he loves her and only her. Then he confesses to her, trying desperately to let her know that he still only loves her, and hoping that now they can just bond and be open about handsome gents at least. Instead, because of her already sleepy brain, Cherri takes it the wrong way and thinks that he doesn't love her anymore. The two get into an argument, and eventually Doug is sent out of the house, and ends up at Runo's home. There Doug does something that he only does with his wife and opens up about why he is there, to which all Runo does is comfort him, and lets him know that though they should talk about it, it is best to let them be to their thoughts for a bit. Cherri back at the house is sobbing thinking that her husband doesn't love her and wants to be with someone else (basically only knowing bi from the bad media), then their daughter comes up to her and hugs her. She then gradually thinks about the events that had happend that night, what was said, and reminisces on the past. Cherri finally realizes her mistake, and goes after her husband to apologize for her misunderstanding, their child in tow. The two make up and start to work on opening up about secrets, and start to undo all of Doug's conditioning to thinking that he is somehow bad for being bi that he was brought up in. And yes, they do commentary about how handsome some gents can be.

Now that whole scene I'm wondering if it would be just too cheesy or poorly written, or would it be construed to be just pointless drama? I'm still working on development of the story and its rather large cast, so any pointers on improving it would be appreciated. Sorry that this was extra long, I just thought that context was necessary for this whole scene and event, and I hope I'm not pertraying bisexuals horribly.


Hey, Nopoodles.

I have a question: Is my main character a good or bad example of a bi character?

For my fantasy action story my main character, Russ Monrow I have given him three different relationships from his group of friends in his adventure. His first two lovers, a straight woman named Laura Kingsley, a gay man named Liam Skogsälva (Translation: Forest Elf) and a They/them him/he character called Tommi 39. 

(I don't know if those pronouns make tom gender fluid or something else. Correct me please 😅 I'm still new to the community and knowledge of it. Ps Tom is a robot for most of the story. I'm sorry for making them a robot, I know a lot of the time gender fluid character tend to be one. But they turn human later on)  

Russ has a short but sweet relationship with Tommi first. But he breaks up with Tom because Tom is doesn't understand the concept of love or relationships. Russ feels that Tom needs to mature and learn a lot more be for jumping straight into things. They both have a mature and well mannered conversation about their relationship. They're still very good friends and Tom even invited Russ to his wedding later in the story.

For Russ' second lover Laura Kingsley they had a loving relationship and were old school class mates back in their younger days. When they meet again in high school Russ helps her out of an abusive relationship along with his friends. Later on in the story quite a bit of time after Russ' relationship with Tommi, Laura asks Russ out and he says yes. They're a couple for the rest of the story up until her tragic death from the villain. Russ is then left to take care of their child as a single father.

Russ' last relationship Liam Skogsälva. Liam visits Russ after he doesn't answer any of his calls. When he gets there he finds Russ completely exhausted from try to take of his child (I haven't decided what I want the child to be yet.) Through out this part of the story Liam stays with Russ to help him out. Slowly their love grows along with the old but wonderful bond they had from their adventures. Later on they get married and live in the little log cabin Russ made for himself and Laura long ago. But he now shares it with his new loving husband Liam and his beautiful child.

So... is this a good or bad example of a bi character? Also sorry if there's spelling mistakes and sorry that this was 😅

Thank you for your time and have a safe, wonderful, and colourful week. ☺️

Kind regards from another Bi person,

- Fern
