CTC Prusa i3 Pro B First configuration and test print

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After the complete assembly in the 2 videos that I uploaded previously, we got a 3d printer in theory fully functional, and in this video we are going to turn it on for the first time, check if it works, and prepare it for the first print, with the basic adjustments necessary to get a decent print.

For that we will download Ultimaker Cura and we will create a 3d printer in the software that matches our CTC Prusa i3.

At the end of the video we have discovered our first 2 problems with the Chinese 3d printer, the lack of layer fan and the excess of vibrations. We will solve this problems in the next episode.

The 2 40mm fans that I bought from Amazon:

The printer that I bought from eBay:

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Thanks for watching!

Intro music:

Please watch: "BEST 3D PRINTER in 2021? FOKOOS ODIN-5 F3 Review"
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Thank you so much for this, I'd got to this point and couldn't find any instructions. This is well described and clear. Wonderful.


I had a CTC DIY printer given to me. I followed the hints in this video and my print of 3D Benchy worked first time. Quality was pretty good.


Thanks for reminding me how to bed level. I'd forgotten that I FIXED the levelling screw into position on the left side of the printer and added a cylindrical block to the lower half of that adjustment screw so that I could turn the block (raising/lowering it) such that it quickly and easily adjusts when it hits & triggers the endstop. That's the adjustment mechanism the manufacturer should've used. I would start with all 4 bed screws at MID POINT position, use the adjustable mechanism on the left side of the printer to get 1 perfect then adjust the other 3 accordingly. Another mechanism is to fully tighten all 4 bed screws and use a spirit level to get it level then use eg. CURA Machine Settings "G1 Z15.0 F6000 ;Move the platform down 15mm" to tune the extruder's "landing position".


Awesome video, i have the i3 pro x and i have everything built, x and y axis both work, z axis motors move but do not turn the threaded rods, might have to try out what u did by cutting the top pieces of the wood and connecting the motors to the threaded rods another way. This video motivates me to continue working with it to get it working!


Thanks for this video, I needed some directions


Nicely done. Simple and straight forward. Thank you for posting.


Thank you. Hopefully my next print will be better with ur vid.


GOOD VIDEO. I think the quality of PLA I'm using is no good though. The bow of my boat came out rough.


Hi, thanks for this video! I have problems when I try to load the filament. When I move the extruder axis, the filaments gets dragged in at first, but after a little you can hear a clicking sound and the filament stops advancing. By looking through the coil in the extruder, I can see the gear that advances a little and then suddenly getting back. How can I solve this? Thank you in advance!


thank you... does anyone else show this config setup online? i havent seen one?
merci beaucoup


hI THIS IS VERY HELPFUL! I was wondering if you can help me as my bed does not move AT ALL.. when I tried to do the auto rehome, it just vibrates with a lot of noise and don't move.


oh man, thanks you so much!!! i needed this


Que debo realizar para que la cama caliente me tome el punto cero atrás? si la cama se encuentra adelante, no logro que vaya sola atrás en una impresión


My printer came with just a wooden bed with masking tape strips on it. Is it necessary to add a pane of glass and if so what thickness do I need?


hola, te consulto, mi impresora arranca pero se sale de los margenes de impresión, por que pasa esto?


Hi, I assembled it. but no life after trying to control nozzle or axis. can you help me?


Ciao Matteo mi sono iscritto da poco al tuo canale perché ho acquistato una Prusa i3 pro B. Posso chiederti di alternare ai video in inglese anche video in cui tu spieghi le cose in italiano? Perché i sottotitoli di youtube traducono male le parole e io l'inglese non lo conosco molto bene. Se potresti farmi questo favore a me o a chi come me, beh penso che te ne saremmo grati, grazie :)


Ciao, ho problema, quando inserisco la scheda sd, questa mi viene riconosciuta ma appena apro il menù mi compare la scritta "No SD card found", come posso risolvere?


I need help. One of the wires connecting the extruder to the mother board broke (The soft, red wire) and I'm not sure how to attach it back on. Any advice so I don't fry myself?


Buenas tardes, muy buen vídeo. Tengo el siguiente problema, igual que en el vídeo me indica bed heating, pero no se calienta, se queda en la temperatura ambiente/70, en cambio el extrusor si que se calienta correctamente. ¿A que puede ser debido?, muchas gracias.
