Euronews Debates: Can the EU Green Deal empower business and consumer change?

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The Green Deal is a set of EU policy initiatives for achieving climate neutrality by 2050, while strengthening Europe’s economic competitiveness and establishing the EU as a global leader in tackling climate change.

Goals include cutting the EU’s greenhouse gas emissions by at least 50 per cent by 2030, scaling up the circular economy, and implementing carbon pricing to influence a shift in consumer and business behaviour.
What will these policies look like when applied in the real world of manufacturing, production and technology? How can Europe adopt the Green Deal without losing its industries? And do we have the technology available to achieve climate neutrality by 2050?

All of these questions and more will be put to our panel of industry leaders and experts during the debate organised by Euronews in association with the European Round Table for Industry and moderated by Euronews’ Méabh McMahon.

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Рекомендации по теме

*No 1: Don't Only Hope On Government For Income, *

*No 2: As An Individual Look For Different Self Income Not Only Waiting on Monthly Wages, *

*No 3: Always Save The Little You Can And Think Of What To Do With It When It Become Good For Capital.*

*It's 100% Good To Have Different Ways To Gain Income*

*Because Government have failed us so therefore let's try and survive*


Never mind all the rhetoric. What will become of the production of the tractor factory?


This story tells it all: Foxconn is building another Apple tablets assembly factory in Vietnam ! If EU Youth does not learn to assemble the cyber tools we all use, they will fail.
Every European must have a smartphone, tablet, laptop, cheap data & solid training in HTML5, Linux, e-commerce, Radios, batteries, photons, hot gases & plasma, gravity, etc.
Will EU Schools start training in batteries & electric bicycles ? Hydrogen fuel cells ? Tablets assembly ?
