Diablo 4 - OP Tornado Druid Leveling Build Guide (Level 1-50) Best Druid Build

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This Diablo 4 Tornado Druid Build Guide After the Nerf for Leveling 1-50 sets you up in Diablo 4 for OP Big Damage Endgame and is the best Druid build currently! The Tornado Druid Build in Diablo 4 Post Nerf is amazing and super OP and is great to run through the game with on every difficulty!

This video Includes: Diablo 4 Druid Build, Diablo 4 Druid Build Guide, Diablo 4 Tornado Druid Build Guide, Diablo 4 Tornado Druid Build, Diablo 4 Tornado Druid , Diablo 4 Tornado Druid Leveling Build

Intro - 0:00
Skill Tree - 0:35
Spirit Boons - 7:45
Aspects - 9:34
Stats/Gear - 13:15
Skill Rotation - 14:45
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Earthen bulwark is a 3 second skill. It increases to 9 with the aspect.



Basic Skills | 1/5 Storm Strike, Enhanced SS, Fierce SS
Core Skills | 5/5 Tornado, Enhanced Tornado, Primal Tornado
Passives - 1/3 Heart of the Wild, 3/3 Abundance, 3/3 Wild Impulses, 3/3 Predators Instinct
Defensive Skills | 1/5 Earthen Bulwark, Enhanced EB, Preserving EB
Companion Skills | 1/5 Wolves, Enhanced Wolves, Ferocious Wolf Pack
Passives - 3/3 Natures Reach
Wrath Skills | 1/5 Hurricane, Enhanced Hurricane, Natural Hurricane
1/5 Trample, Passives: 3/3 Elemental Exposure, 3/3 Endless Tempest
Ultimate Skills | Passives - 3/3 Defiance, 3/3 Circle of Life, 3/3 Resonance, 3/3 Defensive Posture, 3/3 Unrestrained, 3/3 Nature's Resolve

Key Passive | Perfect Storm


The first 25 ‍Druidic Spirit Offerings go to the Eagle Spirit to activate ‍Scythe Talons.
Collect 50 ‍Druidic Spirit Offerings and unlock the first 2 Boons of the Wolf Spirit. Activate ‍Energize for additional Spirit generation.
Save up to 75 ‍Druidic Spirit Offerings to unlock ‍Wariness from the Deer Spirit.
There is no helpful Boon on the Snake Spirit. Stay away from Túr Dúlra until you have collected 250 ‍Druidic Spirit Offerings to unlock the remaining Spirit Boons. Bond with the Eagle Spirit, and activate ‍Swooping Attacks.


Primary 1 - Resource Aspect of the Umbral (Champinos Demise in Dry Steppes)
Primary 2 -Rapid Offensive Aspect (Buried Halls in Dry Steppes)
Primary 3 - Shepherd's Offensive Aspect (Bloodsoaked Crag in Dry Steppes)
Primary 4 - Defensive Aspect of Mending Stone (Sealed Archives in Dry Steppes)
Primary 5 - Stormchaser's Offensive Aspect (Random Drop)
Additional - Aspect of the Expectant (Underroot in Scosglen)
Additional - Edgemaster's Offensive Aspect (Oldstones in Scosglen)


Always use your highest DPS 2-Handed Weapon available for more damage.

2-H Weapon: Pref. Staves, Core Skill Damage, Vulnerable Damage, Socket
Only upgrade your Weapon at the Blacksmith and fill weapon sockets with a ‍Sapphires.

Armor pieces typically grant us Defense and Utility stats, except the Gloves which offer a tidal wave of Offense. Here are the important stats to look for:

Helm: Life, Cooldown Reduction, Skill Ranks, Willpower
Armor: Life, Willpower, Armor
Gloves: ‍Tornado, Attack Speed, Critical Strike Chance
Pants: Life, Damage Reduction from Distant or Close Enemies, Willpower, Armor
Boots: Movement Speed, Spirit Cost Reduction, Willpower

Jewelry provides powerful Offensive stats that help us on our leveling journey. Pay close attention to the rolls as higher leveled pieces aren't always better:

Amulet: Spirit Cost Reduction, Damage, Movement Speed, Skill Ranks
Rings: Critical Strike Chance, Damage to Slowed Enemies, Physical Damage
Do not upgrade Armor or Jewelry while leveling. Socket Armor with ‍Rubies and Jewelry with ‍Skulls.


The ‍Tornado Druid is a great all-round build, combining decent area damage at range with decent defenses.
Your ‍Wolves passively add Fortify to your character. Combined with ‍Storm Strike, you become very durable.
Focus on improving your 2-Handed Weapon, ideally Staves.
If you find ‍Stormchaser's Offensive Aspect, put it on one of your Rings or the Amulet, these are the least likely item slots where you can put Offensive Aspects.
Look out for helpful Legendary Aspects in the Codex of Power, especially those that generate Spirit and buff your damage/damage reduction.


Tried like 3 different builds recommended to me on youtube this one by far melts enemies I made a few tweaks that really made a difference aswell


The Snake BOON Passive you should take is the every 20 kills causes next Earth Skill to Overpower, then use the aspect that makes Trample an Earth Skill and adds the landslides. The lucky hit chance option is crap in comparison.


Thank you for the build, been struggling a bit with the hurricane build I made so thank you for also explaining it all nice and slow with screen shots for us dummies.


Worth mentioning that trample and blood howl can both spec into gaining +20 spirit upon use which is even faster way to get more spirit for more Tornados.
if you go blood howl over earth shield and get 3 points in trample and just 1 in wolves. With boon +10% fortify and your passives, you still can fortify to 100% pretty fast. I still like the +20% fortify from trample though.


You know "close" range is pretty far right? It's not just melee range, it's just right outside the very edge of the hurricane radius. So any time you toss tornadoes and walk forward (like you should be), you're just moving into close range and losing 9% damage, making the passive dubious at best. This is especially true when you're also slowing them. Same thing happens a lot more with the end game "wolfnado" builds.


I was having such a hard time leveling up pulverize and just respect to this. Wow! So much better. I went into legion event on WT3 legion event on my lvl 34 Druid and nvr died and took down an elite by myself! Thanks for this build


Best lelving build tried many builds guides this one works for me great I made some tweaks thanks


Blood howl is better defensive skill if you dont have the Earthern Bulwark aspect, which most people will not have. Using the Boon +10% fort for defensive will cause it to give fort just like earthn bulwark would. Trample is your go to for unstopple so you dont really need earthern bulwark and should never use it if its only lasting 3 sec.

Blood howl also gives 5% more crit with the easy to aquire aspect which is huge. and makes healing potions irrelevant so you will never die from being worn down over a long fight.


If you are using Trample on your bar, which you should, then there is no reason not to use 3 points (not 1) so you get the fortify generation from using Trample.

Trample is such a low CD that it alone can be your only fortify source and get you to 100% easily.


Running through the campaign with this at about oevel 29 after first sit down and gotta say I’m loving it. Ive gotten 3 skill points from renown because I’m a completionist so a little ahead of the guide but I love the build keep it up.


Please post endgame 50 + need to see paragon setup.


please do a lvl 50+ with paragon boards


Cool build ty for putting up here. Now I have a quick question I have played till lvl 50 and it awesome but now i am 50 which build should I start to transition over to as you said this is a 1 to 50 build which would be the best to go for next


I would only put 1 point into wolves. Way better to put the 2 points to trample which gives +20% fortify than the super low fortify generated by wolves. And once you have that, you don't need more fortify. 1 point in wolves is still great for damage mitigation, especially in HC.

Also, Poison Creeper is a good alternative to wolves for more damage and to CC with immobilize/slow/poison but thats going to take 4 points (one for poison causes slows) vs 1 point in wolves, and you already slow with tornados, and an aoe with hurricane.


Your video doesn't match what you have written down why. Which one is the build


How on earth is that snake spirit option the best when you aren't using an ultimate?


why take the snake boon to reduce ultimate cooldown when you arnt using an ultimate ability?


Would it make a big difference if I go for ravens?
